December 7, 2007: Updated a few links and added Poems and things to help those who are grieving

July 11, 2004: Updated a few links and added "The Awakening"

June 11, 2001: Added two new awards

March 3, 2001: Added new guestbook links

December 27, 1999: Added Daremore quotes to Bloom Where You're Planted

November 27, 1999: Edited Are You Happy? Added some "send this site" links here and there, and highlited that quote at the bottom of Bloom.

November 4, 1999: Corrected a typo at Let Me Love You Changed the email address on a couple more site maps.

November 4, 1999: I made a few minor changes. I am in the first stages of a new major page on grief. I have several wonderful poems and links to online grief support groups etc that I will be putting up.

May 26, 1999: Added a new link to my Stop Smoking Page.

May 20, 1999: This morning I put the 'lighted links' on this page. They only light up in Internet Explorer, not netscape. I also added a counter to this page.

Ok, it's official: Home Page-aholic.

May 19, 1999: Redecorated Mom's Central Station and "A Family Disease. In my mad dash to get them done before the kids were out of school for the summer, I had deleted alanonpg.html. Luckily my brilliant husband found the one I needed in the netscape cache. I had finally gotten my tables to work through netscape, or it wouldn't have even been there!

May 18, 1999: Redecorated a links page. Did another guestbook thingy.

May 17, 1999: Saturday I added a Slambook! Today I added links to pages that I have made for others. I added a link to make it easy to send my pages to a friend.
I also did this:

May 16, 1999: Here are the other pages I've been doing: I made my husband's last year, and have just been updating it; Roxi and I have been friends since before kindergarten; Brandy and I have been friends since JR High.

May 5, 1999: Added two new graphics with links. Updated some links. Joined Accentuate the Positive Webring

April 29, 1999: Updated some more links today.

April 20, 1999: Updated some links today.

April 7, 1999: I haven't been keeping up with this update page. My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer on February 3 and we've been driving back and forth to Kansas City (245 mile round trip) for tests and treatments. His tumor is shrinking and we are very optimistic. We have two and a half solid weeks of treatments left, then the trip will only be once a week. My mother-in-law has been living with us for a little over a month, taking care of the house and kids while we are going to KC. Anyway, I put up a new award today and wanted to post it to my update page.

January 26, 1999: I have a new banner. Changed the name of my first page to"Bloom Where You're Planted". Also realized that I had lost my background on that same page so that's why the new name AND the whole new look. Also, the other night I discovered that my A Family Disease" page lost it's background as well, will be working on that in the future.

January 19, 1999: I've been working on my pages, but haven't had the time to update this what's new page. Anyway, I've really overhauled my guestbook pages. I found a great place for geocities guestbook support. I added a new link on my Family Links page. I've tried to join a stop smoking ring, but it hasn't worked yet. Added a couple of patriotic graphics. I know I didn't need any more graphics, but hey, these are patriotic and I love them and want to add more of them! (find the link on my First Page). Oh yeah, I catalogued another guestbook. Also been returning visits from when I was gone.

January 8, 1999: Updated more links. Moved some links and graphics from Lisa's Place to Stop Smoking Page

January 7, 1999: Came back online, changed my email address links, updated other links.

August 4, 1998: Catalogued another guestbook and since I'm going to be offline, I've handed over JFT Webring site to Diane from the webring.

August 3, 1998: Added a new banner today.

July 17, 1998: Rearranged some webrings. Somewhere in between here I added a great inspirational link on this page.

July 5, 1998: Added new banners, and catalogued the Guestbook. Also added a new award!

June 27, 1998: Haven't updated here, but in the last week or so, I've redecorated some poem pages. And added some Banners.

June 17, 1998: Made a list page with sites in the Just For Today Webring Made another Lake Applet. Catalogued Guestbook again.

June 16, 1998: Redecorated all the subpages of the Al-Anon page.

June 14, 1998: Made and added banners

June 10, 1998: Totally redid my Al-Anon page. Still trying to figure out where to put my applets.

June 8, 1998: Changed and added pages to Moms' Central Station Including adding an adopted Carousel Horse in memory of my sister Lori Ann who LOVED and collected them

June 8, 1998: Added another Banner Received and added an Award!

June 6, 1998: Added another new link for those out there who are STILL drinking and driving

June 3, 1998: Added a new CoDa link!! Freedom Group of CoDependents Anonymous

June 2, 1998: Added my four star rating link/graphic from Andrei's RPG Page

May 29, 1998: Added a couple things to Mom's Central Station

May 25, 1998: Added a new stop smoking link and other general upkeep stuff

May 19, 1998: Took that popup button off because no one signed after I put that up!! aaaack

May 15, 1998: Added a popup button begging people to sign my guestbook!

May 14, 1998: Added new link for Breast Cancer Awareness I'm taping the Final Seinfeld Episode...can't wait to see it!

May 13, 1998: Added a new page--Are You Happy? Haven't quite decided where to put it yet.

May 10, 1998: Added an HTML help link
Added another Banner

May 9, 1998: WOW...look at this about driving drunk I added the link to this at Lisa's Place

May 8, 1998: Well I got that mail taken care of....Did another guestbook 'archive' Did some minor stuff on the site map. That's about all that I can remember.

May 7, 1998: Whaaah I can't check my new mail account, and I can't SEND any mail either!! Here's my old one that is still working for awhile AND I couldn't get to several geocities pages this mornin, including my own--OR edit my site

May 6, 1998: Joined Mom's on the Web and did lot's of work on Mom's Central Station
Added a banner to my banner exchange

May 5, 1998: Changed e-mail address And deleted some webrings with sites that made me uncomfortable. Finally got up the guts to ask for that new OJ book by Petrocelli from the Library, they have to ask another library to get it. I went ahead and asked them to get Marcia Clarks' too. I'm not real social if ya hadn't noticed.

May 4, 1998: Actually QUIT a webring!!(HTML Writers Webring) It was very poorly managed, if at all.
Another update to Stop Smoking Page
Joined the Webmistress and Ringmistress Webrings

May 4, 1998: Joined the HTML Writer's Guild, Look out now!

May 2/3, 1998: Joined new Webrings Added some Banners to my banners page. Cut my two-yr old's hair.

May 1, 1998: Joined the Ringmasters Webring. My oldest (2nd Grade) brought home the first ever "been in trouble" note from a teacher that we have to sign and return :/

April 26, 1998: Joined a new Webring!

April 24, 1998: Updated the Stop Smoking Page

April 23, 1998: Added a site map to most of my pages, cutting out all those new graphic's I made, but that really took too long to load. Also organized my webrings on three pages, again to cut down on load time. --Took my five yr old to Kindergarten Round-Up

April 22, 1998: Added this page, added Banner Exchange

April 18, 1998: Catalogued old Guestbook

Feb 5, 1998: This is about the time I first got these pages started!

Site Map

"Bloom Where You're Planted" Banner ExchangeWebrings List
Mom's Central Station Mommy/Parents/Family LinksSign Guestbook
A Family DiseaseAl-Anon/ACA/CODA LinksView Guestbook
Stop Smoking PageMisc Links, Credits & Awards
What's New Here? Recovery Links TBA

I added this counter May 20, 1999

Thanks GEOCITIES for hosting this site!