During the War Between The States a deep moat surrounding the fort never held water. It held sharpened palisades like these in the picture.

This one in the # 8 placement is an eight inch Columbiad. During the battle on February 1, 1863, the fire of the ironclad Montauk was directed principally at this gun. The continuous fire on this point knocked down the wall leaving the gun and its crew completely exposed. Major Anderson wrote, “The detachment did not leave the gun but fought to the close of the action.” For almost five hours the Montauk threw its great shells against the stronghold, plowing huge holes in the parapets but causing no significant damage and no casualties as the earthen walls absorbed the heavy shells. Fifteen direct hits scored by the Confederate gunners caused little more than slight indentations in the Montauk’s armor.

The cannons are placed in magazine positions. This cannon is a Hot Shot Gun. A 32-Pounder gun that earned its name from aiming heated cannon balls at wooden ships to set them on fire. The gun is a smooth bore and typical of the 32 pounders which were originally placed in the Fort. As you proceed down the steps to the hot shot furnace, the solid iron cannon balls were heated red hot and gunners entered the furnace through the tunnel in the rear where heated projectiles could be removed and carried to the gun. Most of the guns appear to look the same to the novice when in actuality they are very different.


The Wilder Brigrade Monument under construction in 1899. The 85-foot-high limestone tower was completed in 1903. A stairway inside leads to an observation deck.

Survivors of Wilder's Brigade raised funds for the tower and named it for their Commander. Wilder returned to this area after the war and was elected mayor of Chattanoga in 1871.

The tower as it is today, restored.

For the past 20 odd years, There have been monuments all around this tower. About 80 plus.

This fall a new bypass around the park was completed. It did not follow where it was to go in 1980. The monuments were placed back in the original locations about one mile in either direction on Wilder Road. Only four monuments are there now.

Monuments located in the area.

This photos were taken by Paul Williamson, 6 December 2001. Some of the text is also his. Other information was taken from plaques in the area.




The soldier at the top of this monument stands at ease with his musket in hand. The embossed lettering around the monument reads:

“Our Confederate soldiers. To the defenders of the Confederacy, and the patriots record of whose fortitude and heroism in the service of their country is the proud heritage of loyal posterity. Tell ye your children of it and let your children tell their children and their children another generation.”

On the front is a battle flag which appears to be waving in the breeze. On the back is a furled battle flag. The monument was Erected by

the Longstreet Chapter #46 Daughters of the Confederacy.
Dedicated to Southern valor unveiled June 7, 1909.
1861 C.S.A. 1865

Lt. General
James Longstreet

This granite marker is the grave site of James Longstreet. He served in the military of the United States from 1833 to 1861. He then served as Brigadier General in the Confederate States Army, June 1861. He was promoted to Major General in May 1862, and then promoted to Lieutenant General in September 1862. He Commanded the First Corps. Army of Northern Virginia until April 9, 1865. All of this is on a scroll on the front of the marker, as well as two crossed flags, one a battle flag and the other an American flag. To the right of the monument reads: "Manassac to Appomattox." On the left side it reads: "Palo Alto to Chapultepec." On the back of the monument are two sabres and below them it reads:

“Now sleep the brave, who sink to rest. By all their country’s wishes blest."

The marker is located in the Alto Vista Cemetery.




This monument is located on the court house lawn. It is a large granite boulder and is flanked by urns. Carved upon it are these words:

To those men of Jones County who gave their service in the
War Between the States
and The World War 1917-1918.




Located North Main Street.
On this tall pedestal stands an older soldier, musket in hand and bayonet To his side. On the 6th tier of the monument cannon balls are on each corner. On the Court House Square. The monument reads from the front facing west,

“In honor of the brave who fell defending the right of local self Government.”

The 3rd tier reads

“Our Confederate Dead.”

Erected by the women of Greene County, AD 1898. On the side is inscribed


above the inscriptions are crossed sabres and on each corner of the 5th tier is a cannon pointed upward. On the marble square that surrounds the monument at ground level there are 4 cannon balls one on each corner.

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