I’m a Canadian freelance writer and editor who’s traveled the world looking for great stories about people in far-flung places. I worked as a journalist in London and Mexico City before returning to Canada in 1993, and settling in Toronto. Since then I’ve contributed to dozens of magazines and newspapers in Canada and the U.S., writing on everything from parenting to politics. In between gigs, I’ve managed to cover many millions of miles (or so it seems!) in my pursuit of the interesting, the quirky and the remote.

This Web site reflects some of my best print and online work, with some examples of my photography as well. Recent highlights of my career include writing a guidebook to Toronto for families, which I hope will help others discover the wonderful place I call home. And I'm pleased to announce an award I've just won — the 2005 Visit USA Committee Excellence in Travel Writing Award.

Please take a look around and enjoy!