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Bret Boone
Ben Davis
Carlos Guillen
Dan Wilson
John Olerud
Ichiro Suzuki
Mike Cameron
Ruben Sierra
Freddy Garcia
Jamie Moyer
John Halama
Joel Piniro
Edgar Martinez
Ryan Franklin
Jeff Cirrilo                                    

Freddy Garcia 34

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Position: Pitcher

Height: 6-4

Weight: 235

Age: 24 (October 6, 1976)

High School: Baruta (Venezuela)

Family: Single

How acquired: Acquired from Houston in Randy Johnson trade (7-31-98)

Interview taken from the Official 2001 Yearbook

BEST THING ABOUT GROWING UP IN VENEZUELA? "The beaches. They were never very far away. I love the beach. I love to swim and fish."

WHAT'S PLAYING IN YOUR CAR'S CD PLAYER? "Salsa. Any salsa I can find. I grew up with it. I love to dance."

MOVIE YOU'D LIKE TO HAVE HAD A BIT PART IN? "Anything with Jet Li. He's my favorite action hero. I'll watch his movies over and over again."

VOICE MAIL OR E-MAIL? "Voice mail. I'm on the telephone all the time. I don't know much about computers. I haven't been interested in them, but maybe later I will be."

RENT A MOVIE OR GO TO THE MOVIES? "Rent a movie. And all the time. Almost every day I rent a movie, maybe two or three and stay home and watch them."

SPORTS CAR OR SPORT UTILITY? "SUV. I like big cars, big trucks. I like to be comfortable. Sports cars are too small."

STEAK OR SEAFOOD? "Seafood. I grew up near the ocean, where you could always get seafood. I like steak a little, too."

POWER BOAT OR SAILBOAT? "Power boat. Yachts, really. The bigger the better. I don't have one of my own, but I have friends who have them. Maybe I'll get one for myself later. I know I'm no sailor."

GRASS OR TURF? "I like playing on grass. It's more real baseball when it's played on grass. Turf is tough on the legs."

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Freddy Fan Pages

 Freddy "Phoneme" Garcia - the Rising Mariners Star

Freddy Garcia, Seattle’s Ace

Heather's Freddy Site

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