Creating World Class Presentations using PowerPoint

Using real life examples, sharpen your skills on the following:

- Embedding animation, sound, and pictures in your presentation
- Timing the components of the presentation so that they are in-sync with the animation or the music
- Effectively using backgrounds and watermarks for a world class look
- Creating a powerful opening
- Searching the Internet for great photos, sounds, and graphics
- Cropping pictures
- Embedding 360 degree IPIX panoramics

Presentations are about creativity and the right level of pizzazz, and then about the content.  If you do not have presentation, you do not have anything... and you loose...  even if you have a great product, potential approach, or whatever.

A great presentation: (1) can almost deliver itself, cushioning you from any public speaking issues that you feel you may have, and (2) significantly adds to your underlying credibility (and lack thereof quickly takes away).

Learning how to develop great presentations is dependent specifically on the instructor, his/her experience, and the ability of the instructor to transfer a sound presentation philosophy, and it is not based on a course outline,  a particular company giving a course, or even the software being used.  It is about understanding the audience, the purpose, the information, when something is too much (in terms of colors, animations, music, video, busyness of the slide), and when something is not enough.  It is about developing a sense of the right mix of many factors.

Click below for some examples of what is meant by 'world-class'.  These examples are taken from presentations that have been given to hundreds of CEOs, CIOs, and members of the press at trade shows  and also to the student bodies of large universities.  Animations and sound effects have not been included in these examples for reasons of bandwidth, but add even more life.


Please note that these are jpg images that have been converted from Powerpoint.  The actual Powerpoint presentations are even more vibrant, and must be seen as such with the integrated animation and sound to be fully appreciated.

Opening The Future Market Growth Slide (background only)
Opening Market Potential  A Beautiful background (was appropriate for the purpose used)
Opening (for an internal presentation) Financial Background (was appropriate for the purpose used)
Technology Summary  Market Growth  Background (was appropriate for the purpose used)


We can also provide one-on-one assistance with specific presentations. 



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