The city that never sleeps!

   Times Square in downtown New York City is a mad house if you can't handle huge crowds of people and the worst traffic on the planet! But ... if you wanna 'shop till you drop', see a show, a sporting event, MTV on the streets, or just be 'in with the in crowd'...this is the place!!
      We were so busy looking, shopping, and... (of course eating) that we didn't take many stills, but this should give you an idea. There is no other place like it in the World!!

Times Square
Ads, ads, ads!! 
Times Square
The big city!!

R.H. Macy's
R.H. Macy's Department Store. This is the original, founded by Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Strauss who perished aboard the Titanic on April 14, 1912
Macy's Dept. Store
The famous Macy's Parade comes down this way.

Madison Square Garden
Madison Square Garden.
"Let's get ready to rumbllllllllle!!!"
Warner Bros.
This was interesting! Outside of Warner Bros. Bugs is gettin' it on!
You go bunny!

...and don't forget...
You gotta have 'New York pizza' and 'New York cheesecake'!! It's the law!!

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© copyright 1999 by 9~Man Productions / - Canoga Park, CA.

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