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I've gathered together some music that, as an Éowyn fan, fits perfectly my she-warrior moods. You might enjoy some of it. Perfect for reading your copy of Return of the King (when you don't have the Howard Shore soundtrack in the player, that is).

Loreena McKennitt, The Visit  Varttina, Seleniko  Enya, The Celts   

Evening Falls... lyrics by Enya

When the evening falls and the daylight is fading
From within me calls--could it be I am sleeping?
For a moment I stray, then it holds me completely
Close to home--I cannot say
Close to home, feeling so far away

As I walk the room there before me a shadow
From another world, where no other can follow
Carry me to my own, to where I can cross ever
Close to home--I cannot say
Close to home feeling so far away

Forever searching, never right
I am lost in oceans of night
Forever hoping I can find memories
Those memories I left behind

Even though I leave will I go on believing
That this time is real--am I lost in this feeling?
Like a child passing through
Never knowing the reason
I am home--I know the way
I am home--feeling oh, so far away

I've managed to restore most of the old links (for those of you who actually visited this site prior to the year 2000). Some of them had to go, simply because the sites themselves no longer exist. Makes me feel oldish...

    The Dent - the most comprehensive Tori Amos site out there.

    Women Composers - The Kapralova Society's fabulous database of oft-overlooked female composers (eat your heart out, Ludwig!)

    Kitka - the women's vocal ensemble; they specialize in Eastern European singing techniques.

    Varttina - official site for this stunning trio of singers, Finland's own Destiny's Child or Dixie Chicks or TLC or... get the picture?

    Bushes & Briars - Coos de Graaf's homage to celtic performer Loreena McKennitt. - official site for the lady celloists.

    The Magic of Enya - groovy Dane Karina has let her love for Enya's music be known with this elegant homage.

    Indigo Girls - official site, and it seems only obvious they would be in this list ;-)

    Jettscape - Evil Em's kick-ass tribute to Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.

Everybody knows about the Led Zeppelin references to Tolkien in songs like "Ramble On" and "The Battle of Evermore." But did you know that literally HUNDREDS of bands out there have Tolkien references in them? Just a few that might surprise you: The Grateful Dead, The Moody Blues, Rush, The Allman Brothers Band, and even Coolio!

Go here: to find out more.

Music suggestions? No problem. I need more here, anyway :-)