There are all sorts of automotive things going on in your community right now. They're nearby, fun, and most importantly, cheap. And you never feel out of place.

More characters than a bar at midnight

Want good stories and interesting people, and cars too? Forget a bar&emdash;go to a cruise.

Parking lot racers

Fast fun, safer than your morning commute, autocrossing is good for you&emdash;and your car.

Plywood physics

Racing in a soapbox derby is more difficult&emdash;and rewarding&emdash;than you may think. They're a great way to meet new people and help out Big Brothers.

Slow and steady keeps you unstuck

I recently adventured with the Central Ontario 4-wheel drive club. You drive slower than you can walk, but it's still fun.

RM Classic Cars Toronto Auction

Ever bid on a car at an auction? Bring your wallet and come with me to the Toronto Classic.

Michelin Man turns 100

Bibendum, the inflatable man, goes on a diet and takes weightlifting classes.

Homegrown electrics

High-school students build electric cars in auto shop.

Call it 'Miatatude'

Buying a Mazda Miata nets you a whole lot more than a great car--you get to participate in one of the car world's richest subcultures.


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