Modern Ukrainian Main Courses

Plov with mushrooms (rice dish)

Plov (also called Uzbek Plov) originates from Uzbekistan. But now it has become part of both Russian and Ukrainian Cuisine. Original plov is rice with lamb meat. This recipe is modified plov, with mushrooms. It's cooked differently than the original dish, but it's the way it's cooked in my family.

0.5 kg of mushrooms
1 tumbler of rice
1 big onion
3 large carrots
a lot of herbs
salt, pepper

Wash and dice the mushrooms. Boil the rice in unsalted water. Peel and grate the carrots. Chop the onion. Fry the onion in large quantity of oil until it gets golden colour. Add grated carrots, stirring occasionally. When carrots get soft, add the mushrooms. Add a little salt. Fry until the juice extracts from mushrooms. Add rice. Fry for one or two minutes more. Add salt, pepper and chopped herbs. Mix together thoroughly.

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