Even within this small neighborhood, you will find a thriving commercial and community service infrastructure. Browse through this Directory to find an old favorite, a new temptation or a valuable resource.

If you are the owner/operator of one of the listings and would like to include more information or a link to your own web site, please let us know at:

And if you know of an organization that should be listed, or spot an error in a listing, please email us right away at the same address!


- Café Zin – Shawmut Avenue

- Code 10 – 1368 Washington Street

- Flour Bakery Café – Washington & Rutland Sts.


- Andy’s Cleaners – Washington & Worcester Sts.

- B&B Barber – Washington Street

- Don Quixote Market – Washington & E. Concord Sts.

- Edge Salon – Washington Street

- Pet Shop Girls – Shawmut Ave. & W. Concord St.

- Walgreens – Washington & W. Concord Sts.

- Pings Jewelry – www.jenpompa.com


  • Blackstone Elementary School – Shawmut Ave.
  • The Hurley School

Places of Worship

  • Jesuit Urban Center – Harrison & E. Concord Sts.

The Arts

  • Bates Art Center – Harrison Ave.

Community Programs & Social Services

- Harborlight

  • Salvation Army – Washington St.

Health & Recreation

- Accident & Pain Clinic – Washington St.

- South End Community Health Center – 1601 Washington Street, 617 425-2000

  • Community Center - Shawmut Ave.

Professional Services

Old Boston Restoration


* Revised 10/12/01.