Owl's Ghost Stories

V.I. is a school located in the capital city of Malaysia. It is one of the oldest school in Kuala Lumpur. The stories were told to me by one of VI's ex-students. Most of the stories here happened in the hostel. It is to be reminded, however, that some of these stories may have happened in the school itself. The storyteller did not mentioned it clearly though. Nevertheless, these stories are amongst the scariest collection of ghost stories I have. Simply follow the links below to read them.

Note: It is recommended that you start with Story 1 and read on. The links will guide you from one story to another until you come to an end.

Story 1
Weird things can happen anywhere. Guardhouse is definitely of no exception especially if the guardsman is on duty in the middle of the night.

Story 2
Have you ever seen tricks done on you by your mirror? Well, students of this school had, and perhaps still do. It's not only tricks that the mirrors do but also more horrifying things that you can ever imagine.

Story 3
The Old Hall
The old school hall is itself strange and eerie looking. Find out what happen when two students enter it without permission.

Story 4
Mystery Kid
This kid will not leave you alone until you get mad and start chasing after him....

Story 5
Leave Him Alone!
Sometimes it is better to leave others alone. For you might be in for the shock of your life if you don't!

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Owl's Ghost Stories
© by Will Ong since 1997

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of Will Ong.