The Magnetic Horse Information Page

"Where you will find information on Magnetic Massage for the Horse and Rider"

Magnets and Bio-Ceramics are becoming the Therapy of choice for many Equestrians in many forms of riding. Combining some of the most ancient Healing Arts with modern Technology gives us not only treatment for injuries, but may also go a long way towards prevention due to increased flexibility and circulation.

Please remember the use of Magnetics and Bio-Ceramics on the Horse or Rider are never a replacement for proper Medical Care. But are a complimentary form of treatment and therapy.

With knowledge, comes responsibility. It is with all of this in mind that Diana and Nancy offer this information. Gathered happily from over 35 years spent in the saddle and on the ground caring for our equine companions.

We both hope that you will come back often and with each visit make many new discoveries about the nature of the horse, plus learn new ways to radically impact and improve their lives. Please follow any of the following links to learn more about MAGNETICS.

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Determining the nature of the injury

The Horse Blanket

Magnetic Massage:

Supportive Care of the Legs

Magnetic Applications to the Foot

Navicular Syndrome


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Both Diana and Nancy have had that one special equine friend and it is to them that we dedicate our work.


We are still under construction so.....Please bookmark us and watch us grow!

If you have any questions about magnetics or where to purchase them please contact us!

© 1998


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