OH you wanna Adopt one of my Sweet Pets? OH well that is easy! What you have to do is fill out this form and I will take care of the rest! Your Sweet Pet will come in the mail so make sure you have the correct mail address on the form! And the correct homepage too! I will post all the pages that have Sweet Pets on them! Check back here, there will be more things for your Sweet Pets soon! Sorry but you can only adopt one at a time! BUT there is no limit on how many you can adopt! :)

Please tell me your name: (Do not hit return)

Your email address:

HomePage Address:
YOU must have a homepage to adopt a Pet!

NEW Name for your pet:

1) Why do you want to adopt a Sweet Pet and tell me how you plan to take care of it!

OH WAIT! I need to see the PETS ONE more time!
2) Please Pick the Pet you wish to adopt.

[Index] [Adopted Pets] [Adoption Form]
[My Applets] [Cat Graphics] [Dog Graphics]
[More Dog Grahpics] [Poem] [Help Form]
[Who is SweetPets] [Pets to Adopt] [Poodle Background]
Thanks for being number
Form not working? Drop me a mail! Mail to SweetPets