saving private ryan
Errors and Boo Boo's in the Movie
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American Military Cemetery, Normandy, France (Present Day)
On Omaha Beach, Normandy, June 6, 1944 -- 0630 Hours
At the Farm House
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In A Village
In the Town

Comments on Miller (Hanks)
Comments on Snipers & Rifles
Comments on the German Soldiers
Comments on the Bell Tower
Comments on Tanks
General Comments

In the Countryside
[00:40:05 into the movie]

  • I find it very hard to believe that GIs would ever talk to their Captain with so little respect - particularly in a combat situation. Miller may have been a nice guy but he was still the C.O. Does anyone have any real life anecdotes about this kind of thing? Msole
  • After Caparzo's death we see a distance shot of the troop passing through the countryside as we had seen before. There are STILL EIGHT troopers. Martin G. Schofield
  • Would not happen: All the gabbing and joking while moving about the countryside. And in "The Dog Tag Scene": As you see Capt. Miller walk among the walking wounded, calling out for Pvt Ryan, in the background you see the Extras begin walking, as if they just received their cue. ajliptak
  • The land behind the beaches was flooded by seawater by locks by the Germans.  This water swamped the land for a mile in some places.  It was deep enough to drown a trooper if he was dropped in it.  Yet, the Ryan Finders were just walking through quiet country.  No water, no distant gunfire, nothing.  WRONG!! Blackltac
  • After the battle for the radar station the team set about burying Wade and the 3 paratroopers who are all from the 82nd Airborne. The helmets are placed on top of the rifles and you can clearly see white Divisional markings on them. The 82nd (as far as I know) didn't have markings on the helmets, this was an 101st trait. G King
  • Why is the squad so mortified before they assault the radar site when Capt. Miller informs them that they will be going up against an MG-42? After all, they faced so many of them back at Omaha Beach & at this stage of the war, an MG-42 was no a rarity! kingdoof
  • When Miller and the rest of the patrol encounter the German Machine gun site they come across two dead paratroopers, note Miller says the troops are 82nd Airborne. After the machine gun is taken out they bury the dead paratroopers and place their helmets on top of the rifles to mark the graves. These helmets have a white ace of spades painted on the sides. This was the unit symbol of the 506th Parachute Infantry which belonged to the 101st Airborne. 82nd Airborne had no markings on their helmets. Richard King
  • The squad goes through several open fields at will. What about land mines? I thought there were several million of them put in the fields to discourage paratroopers? M. Kuchar
  • Did anybody notice the nice modern bungalow in the background as the patrol moved inland... I think it even has a TV antenna on the roof. Ray Rice
  • I wonder how 8 men could go all the way through France. I mean they're was Germans everywhere and Germans were excellent. If the Germans had a country the size of ours, we would be Nazis now. The German sniper in the first village had Jackson in his sites for 30 seconds before Jackson fired. Medics at that time didn't serve as fighters. They usually were back lines and they didn't fight. Jesse Barnes (12 years old)

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saving private ryan
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Thanks, EZ Langston
Saving Private Ryan Errors and Commentary