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"The current tax code is a daily mugging."

—Ronald Reagan, 9/2/1985

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Talk Show Host Misfires
Quotes and comments from the best conservative talk show hosts
who, once in a while, misfire.
Yet, they are still the best of the best!


Glenn Beck—Dig Deeper For Clinton Dirt...Case 2


Most of us have little trouble digging up Clinton dirt. In fact, one needs to do very little digging at all. Usually, the Clinton's just throw dirt at America so leave your shovel at home—all you need is an open bag and a twist tie.

Glenn Beck seems to be a bit short on supply of Hefty Trash Bags and his shovel must have a blunt and dull end. On the Friday, Oct. 4, 2002 show, Glenn was pounding on Clinton for his anti-American speech in London when he made two statements that seemed like Glenn has been broadcasting from Pluto and is not aware of the blood on Scumbag's hands from the deaths of thousands on 911.

The first Glenn Goof was his statement that there was peace during Clinton's corrupt regime. Yes, but that is because Clinton refused to respond to a declaration of war made against America in 1995-1996 by bin Laden and the Clinton Cartel refused to respond to multiple attacks on the United States. We were at war, but Clinton refused to engage the enemy.

For a summary of the multiple attacks on the United States during Clinton's corrupt regime, read the article Bore, Boor, or Gore? Is There a Difference?

The second Glenn Goof was stating that Clinton was attempting to build a legacy. No attempt is needed. Clinton built a legacy. Because the liberal press will not report it means a broadcaster like Glenn Beck (or a writer like Sentry) should expose this legacy at every opportunity.

Clinton's legacy is September 11, 2001. The government of Sudan offered bin Laden to Clinton not just once, but twice, and each time Clinton refused to take bin Laden. Clinton's refusal to engage the enemy when war had been declared against us and Clinton's refusal to respond to multiple attacks on America, from the 1993 WTC bombing to the 1995-1996 attacks on America through the 2000 attack on the USS Cole set the stage for September 11, 2001. In addition, Clinton and the Democrats took a lame CIA and killed what little potency it had left.

It is quite clear that Clinton has a true legacy, not just the stain on a blue dress, but the blood of thousands killed on September 11, 2001.

After hearing these two incredible free passes doled out by Glenn Beck to Bill Clinton, I called the Glenn Beck show and was able to get a line. The screener asked me what I wanted to discuss and I mentioned very diplomatically these two points that I "disagreed on" and the screener made sure I had my details down. After sitting through an hour waiting on hold, I was informed that "Glenn is going to be changing his topic."

It was clear that Glenn did not want to hear anyone disagree with him. Like a lot of talk show hosts, they like to have softballs thrown at them so you can get a nice complimentary comment in and they give you a few seconds, cut you short, then spend a couple minutes on their ego trip without letting you speak then move on to the next softball. Mike Savage is one of the few that welcomes good thought, talks with you, and has great depth of knowledge. Rush is getting much better at taking the tough calls, but he does not give the caller much time once Rush responds. The shows would be far more interesting if these hosts would talk with the callers, not talk at them.

This example here by Glenn Beck not only shows his shallow depth of knowledge on important topics, but also shows his inability to take the tougher calls.


This is a new section in the Sentry Over America family of sites.

It will include conversations I have, or my members or readers of Sentry Over America have, with syndicated hosts. If we disagree with the point by the host and, in plain words, the host just flat out misfired, we will publish the conversation. In addition, some misfires that Sentry or readers just hear will also be presented. Members and readers of the site are encouraged to send in their arguments for possible publication. If possible, some actual transcript would be helpful if you happened to have recorded your conversation. If not, please have the host's comments as accurate as you can remember. The theme and point is the key, however, not the actual words the host used.

If you speak with a talk show host and disagree with the outcome, or you hear your favorite conservative talk show host misfire, send in the comment, date of show, and your commentary, and your name ( actual, forum screen name, or state if you choose to remain anonymous), city and state. Selected submissions will be published.

Send us your essay on this topic or your conversation with a talk show host. Why didn't the host get it right?



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