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Current Issue 21


Why Mourn
For Paul Wellstone?

Should we mourn the death of traitors to freedom and our nation's founding principles? It is human nature to put aside the left versus right and the Democrat versus Republican battle of beliefs when we think of the loss of any life.

But I do not follow the "human nature book of emotional etiquette". Perhaps the reason is I do not give a damn about "left versus right" or "Democrat versus Republican". I fight for our nation's future and I fight to reclaim our founding principles . . .

Our men in uniform in Afghanistan do not mourn the loss of dead Taliban—I do not mourn the loss of Paul Wellstone.

Current Issue 21

Read the Award Ceremony for Ronald Reagan Receiving the 2002 Noble Peace Prize

More feature articles, guest articles, "America's Latest", and "Wits, Quips, and Clips"

Issue 20

Focus Topics:

Slave State

Corrupt Leaders

Department Of Larceny

Still don't believe we are globalists? The DOL has a "Bureau of International Labor Affairs" that has sent money to India to (supposedly) "fund technical assistance to India on mine safety and health, designed to reduce deaths and injuries among Indian coal miners through training for miners, managers, and unions." (I thought union dues would take care of this sort of thing).

I hope the coal miners in Pennsylvania and West Virginia think about that as they head home after a hard day's work realizing that some of what they thought they earned for their family gets routed out of the USA and to Indian coal miners. Instead of Labor Day, we instead should celebrate "Constitution Day" and ask all citizens—and the 15 million illegal aliens—to reflect on our founding principles. Come to think of it, maybe we should reflect on India's founding principles also.

Issue 20

White Slaves—Black Masters


Legacy Stains Are Indelible, Mr. Greenspan

Also, Guest Columnists, Sentry Briefs, America's Latest, and more.


Focus Topics:

Slave State

National Security

Ignorance In America

Tax Slaves Dependence Day Recap

The red bars soaring over the green bars like some gigantic Roman candle show what actual spending was through 2001 and the last two bars showing the 2002 and 03 estimates. 2003 is a 38.8% increase over the 1998 baseline when inflation has been running less than 3%!

We face a grave national security risk yet we are spending money on foreign waste at an accelerating rate. Should the slaves feel that their slave money stay in America and be used for national security to defend the slaves?

Do American tax slaves slaving for foreigners really celebrate "independence" in America? You bet. Just ask the Boston Pops.

Issue 19

Empire? What Empire?


Read The Label

Also, Guest Columns, Leftist Chronicles, You've got that right!, and America's Latest.

Issue 18

Focus Topics:

Loss of Freedom and

Ignorance in America

Under God or Justice For All

Republic? Hardly. Our "leaders" do not lead, they follow the uninformed and often ignorant masses. Leadership has been replaced by holding a wet finger to the air and seeing which way the ignorant opinion of the country is blowing.

We have more of a democracy, or "structured mob rule" if you will, as our form of government. The "Republic" went out when leadership in America vanished, or circa 1964 LBJ.

What do you think, 9th Circuit, should "republic" be ruled unconstitutional in the Pledge since we no longer have a Constitutional Republic?


Issue 18

Dear Marc Racicot:

RE: Your Republican Fundraising Request

Issue 17

Focus Topic:Loss of Freedom

Since the 1994 "Republican Sweep" spending has ballooned to a sickening degree. If a 1994 baseline figure is used and we look at spending over inflation, the United "Statist" America has spent $607.3 billion more than this inflation adjusted figure—$259.1 billion for the 2002 estimate alone.

The liberal Republicans have not stopped the socialist juggernaut one bit since the Republican Sweep in 1994. Indeed, it has accelerated. Spending, as the table shows, has outgrown inflation. And as the chart shows, spending over inflation is on a hyperbolic curve.

Issue 17

United "Statist" America

Defending the Indefensible

Issue 16

Focus Topic:National Security

If Israel ever wants peace for its citizens, then they need to eradicate an enemy that is more concerned about Israel's destruction than squatters rights over a notch of land. Only fools think a land grab will solve this problem. It is the failure to clearly define what this war is all about—too many shades of gray in a black and white issue. Both bin Laden's war and Arafat's war is a war against a people. It is war against Jews and Americans. Islamic children are raised since birth to be miniature "Terminators" with a one-track mind to kill Jews and Americans. This is a bit different than Hitler and Tojo's fanaticism but the real key is today the United States is worried about its beauty pageant status and its current rating in the world popularity contest. Israel would do well to ignore this just as Truman ignored this in 1945.

Issue 16

Blueprint for Al-Qaeda and the Palestinians' Surrender

Issue 15

Focus Topic:

Ignorance in America

If Waxman took his nostrils to Disney, what would he find?

In 1998, Mike Eisner sold $575.6 million in Disney stock. Since 12/31/98 Disney stock has fallen $16.5 billion dollars. Since that same time, Enron's stock has fallen $20.7 billion (as mentioned above, within 4 billion or 75% of Enron's loss--see footnote 3). So who does Waxman contact? He contacts Chairman Kenneth Lay of Enron saying ``you had already sold $40 million of Enron stock during 2001 and over $100 million since October 1998'' but he never questioned Eisner selling 5 times as much stock while Disney's stock proceeded to tank about the same value as Enron's over the same period.

Issue 15

1 Disney and 75% of Enron—What's the Difference?

Issue 14

Focus Topic:


Bumbling Blatant Blunders of the GOP in 2001

What the GOP should have done when Jeffords walked was go to Collins, McCain, White, Chaffee, Snowejob and the rest of the RINOs and told them to "get out of our house." They should have cleared the decks since the GOP had a minority anyway. To retain socialists in the GOP is a major blunder. These RINOs are part of the blotches of blue in the sea of red and it would have been best to send them packing. At least the GOP would present a more cohesive agenda.

The Beautiful

Laura Bush. In one second during a TV interview, you see more warmth, honesty, and love in her demeanor and appearance than we saw in eight years of SCUMBAGETTE. Come to think of it, was there ever any of that in eight years?


Issue 14

GOP Year 2001 in Review

Issue 13

Focus Topic:

National Security

Disperse American Assets or the U.S. Will Be Destroyed

Keep all Senators in their home states. Keep all Congressmen in their home districts. Keep the President, Vice-president, and the Cabinet dispersed. Communicate through 21st century electronic means and teleconferences. Vote for legislation electronically—debate legislation electronically. We need to operate with a 21st century style government in a very dangerous country with fanatics throughout. Turn the White House and Capitol Building into museums. Having our leaders in the Capitol Building is 18th century thinking. This is 21st century warfare where our Congress can be wiped out in a flash by 5-10 people—or one person with a backpack nuke. We should now operate our government in 21st century mode where weapons get smaller, more powerful, and more destructive every year. Our survival as a nation is at risk if we maintain the 18th century style of government.


Issue 13


"Who are the ignorant 34%?

Issue 12

Focus Topic:

Corrupt Leaders

Slave State

Coming Soon—Asset Tax

There are two things that you can kiss good-bye forever—make that three, if we include our freedom.

First, the words "tax cut." Second, the words "Republican president."


Issue 12

"Pull a Reagan, Mr. President"

Guest Article
Paul Craig Roberts
"Democrats Chase After Runaway Tax Slaves"

Issue 11

Focus Topic:

Loss of Freedom

"Dependence Day—Why Celebrate"

A long time ago in a land of liberty now far, far away, there was an annual sacred event called Independence Day. Back in those days, it was liberty and freedom that the nation celebrated. We saluted 56 extraordinary men who risked everything so their descendents would have freedom.

Today, it is called the Fourth of July since kids, being indoctrinated to socialism at the schools, are never taught what freedom is, what liberty is, what independence is, and the time slot for American History has been replaced with assembly time for various socialist groups.


Issue 11


"Dependence Day—Why Celebrate

Issue 10

Focus Topic:

Loss of Freedom

"Take All Those Turn¢oat$ With You"

¢linton, with a Demo¢RAT minority in the $enate, was able to continue the transition from freedom to $lavery with huge tax increa$e$ and $apping our freedom with mounds of regulation$.

Can Bush, with a minority in the $enate, reverse course and be as effective dowsizing the government as ¢linton was growing $o¢iali$m? Yes.

Will he? No.

Demo¢RAT$ fight to win the war. Republicans are afraid not to be "civil."


Issue 10

Guest Article
National Taxpayers Union Foundation's Tom McClusky
"Pushed Out or Coming Home"Guest Article

From Issues and Views
"S. B. Fuller: Master of Enterprise"

"Leftist Chronicles"
More lunacy from the leftists.

Issue 9

Focus Topics:

Slave State

Corrupt Education

"Mincing Words in Slave State USA"


Demand a declaration of war on the DemocRATS—they are the enemy.

Demand a ban on bipartisanship. We did not have bipartisanship with Japan, Germany, Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq. Why have it with Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton?

Demand abolishment of the phrase "reach across the aisle."

In war, you do not sleep with the enemy, you do not care what the media has to say about what words you choose to use, and you don't give a damn about being called "mean spirited."


Issue 9

Guest Article
The Future of Freedom Foundation's Sheldon Richman
"Tax Cuts Need No Justification"Guest Article

National Anxiety Center's Alan Caruba
"The Subversion of Education in America"
Lessons 3 & 4

Issue 8

Focus Topics:

Media Bias

Corrupt Education

Slave State

"Has Yahoo! Succumbed to Socialsim"?

That last fortress of freedom and fairness, that great hope for lovers of liberty—the Internet—is under siege from the hideous infectious disease of socialism . . . .

Besides Treacherous Ted Turner and Hanoi Jane now having their hand in AOL's direction, Yahoo! seems to be taking the subtle approach the National Education Association took—slowly input your moles then indoctrinate the whole system.

Perhaps, the tide has turned against the freedom fighters. The Internet is now under attack and will eventually be as "unbiased" as the CBS Evening News.


Issue 8

Guest Article
Campus Report Online's Sara Russo
"Berkeley Class Explores 'Gothic Porn,' Sex Toys, and 'Self-Castration'"

National Anxiety Center's Alan Caruba
"The Subversion of Education in America"
Lessons 1 & 2

Issue 7


Corrupt Education

"The Hillary You Know 64 Times Over"



And now, without further ado, hear the most gifted, the most articulate, the most intelligent woman to ever grace this earth. Let her knock your socks off as she presents great oratorical skill in explaining to us—the less worthy—the corruption, bribery, and profiteering in the last days of the Clinton regime. You can throw out all your "famous speeches" books. This, one of the truly great oratorical masterpieces since the dawn of man, may well be "the definitive greatest speech."


Issue 7

Part IV Legacy Lies: Education

Slick knew in his last days that his legacy was one of Crime and No Punishment.

So, he built on that.

For every perjury statement, he pardoned a cocaine dealer. For his impeachment, he pardoned a 48 million dollar tax evader, ad infinitum.

He also had the White House publish a list of lies that he called his legacy. For the ignorant masses that worship him, it was enough to put him in the category of gods.

Issue 6



"The Consocialmod President"

It was astounding that some words were never mentioned in President Bush's address.

There was no "slow" as in slower spending.

There was no "trim" as in trim waste. In fact "waste" was never mentioned, nor was "fraud," even though billions of our tax dollars are flushed every year.

There was no "underground" mentioned as he talked about tax policy. The hooker still has to buy her lipstick, the pimp still has to buy his luxury auto, and the drug dealer a boat. The tax-free income of society's scum is astronomical.


Issue 6

Leftist Chronicles

I have been reading about our students' math scores as compared to other nations and it seems to me that Bill Press might be the role model of some of these kids. Our students are not doing very well in math. Bill Press is having problems subtracting a positive 1.6 from a positive 5.7 and not realizing that it is still positive. I think our students need to get a different math hero to follow.

Issue 5

Focus Topics:

Slave State

Corrupt Leaders

"The Other Side of the Ledger"

The liberals use this approach: search for every possible expense to puff up, search for every new wasteful program to grow, overlook outdated and inefficient management teams and then bloat the expenses up to suck away any current profits (projected surplus). Their goal—increase the size of government so as to increase the size of their constituency.


Issue 5

Part III Legacy Lies: Crime

Between slinging White House furniture on the U-Haul, arranging kickbacks for pardons, and plotting how to upstage George Bush's inaugural day, King Corrupt found time to have the White house issue a twenty-four point list of "accomplishments" that he wanted to snatch from the rightful ownership of others called "The Clinton Presidency: A Historic Era of Progress and Prosperity.

Issue 4


Unequal Justice

"Unequal Justice Around Law"

Days before independent counsel Robert Ray yanked the eject lever on the Clinton escape pod, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Newt Gingrich, and John Kasich were on the airways. Like the Olivia Newton-John song "I honestly love you," I honestly love these three who have served America well.

However, "Orrin Newt-and-John" did the big 180 as all three sang sweet songs of pushing a pardon for the Most Famous Felon.

Issue 4

Leftist Chronicles

Long ago, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) crossed that divide that defines the boundaries between a partisan extremist and a deranged lunatic. Thus, most of us just put "Mad Max" on perma-mute and ignore her racist rantings.

Issue 3

Focus Topics:

Media Bias

Corrupt Leaders

"The Most Ludicrous Liberal Lackey Award of Year 2000"

You see, it all simply boils down to this: Liberals need human targets when their emotions replace facts . . . when they fail to use common sense . . . when they ignore the law . . . and when their wimpish whining rhetoric has the strength of a one-corner dangling chad.


Issue 3

Part II Legacy Lies: Employment

Here is the raw reality: In January of 1992, there were 117,027,000 employed, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics official numbers. In December of 2000, there were 136,092,000, for an increase of 19,065,000, 3 million short of Clinton's fabrications. As the chart shows, this is an increase of 16.29%. Slick not only does not know what the definition of the word "is" is, but he must not know the definition of the word worker either.

Issue 2


Corrupt Leaders

There are a few more people that can say that. Like that tin can lady that Al Gore produced. She was collecting tin cans when Clinton took office and the unemployment rate was 7.3 percent. And she still is collecting tin cans and now the unemployment rate is 4 percent.

Issue 2

Part I Legacy Lies: GDP

I would bet these liberals have no more knowledge of Econ 101 than the corner panhandler. In every case, they revert to this false "economic miracle" when scratching for something when the legacy question comes up. Scandals and impeachment are the obvious legacies. So the press digs deep to find something—anything—to hold in high praise. But the economy? C'mon! The talking heads should have dropped one of their journalism classes and took an elective in economics.

Issue 1


Corrupt Leaders

Do we need to put Newt Gingrich on some sort of watch list? Has he been hanging around too many liberals lately? Maybe he needs to get off the speaker circuit for a while since he is usually on one of those shows that always has at least one liberal on it. Some of us catch bronchitis and sinusitis this time of year. Newt, apparently, has caught liberalitis.

Issue 1

Leftist Chronicles

Strip away the economy, that he had zilch to do with, and you are left with a felonious liar who tarnished our proud history and trashed our justice system throughout the impeachment and his entire eight years.

Farcical Fools at Free Republic

What is more ridiculous than 60,000 claimed members of a group who say that they are conservative, vote for conservatives, but they support a socialist agenda? Free Republic.com, that is who.

The biggest hypocrite of them all is their founder who deletes posts and bans members who express conservative thought. Come see the TOP 10 ASSWIPERS at Free Republic for some knee-slapping fun and incredible idiocy.


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