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"There are only two truly infinite things, the universe and stupidity. And I am unsure about the universe."—Albert Einstein

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Farcical Fools at Free Republic
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Talk Show Host Misfires
Coming Soon--America's Road to Communism

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About the site

There really are just two critical issues facing our nation. All other issues eventually trickle down from these two. Thus, all discussion on these other issues is moot.









The Ludicrous


and . . .







The Serious






Robert Sentry, publisher of Sentry Over America, is a regular columnist at EtherZone.com and has had his works appear at numerous sites including rense.com and worldnetdaily.com. Robert's degree, advanced studies, and career experience is in the business and financial fields holding VP and executive level positions at Fortune 500 companies. Sentry Over America has risen faster in web traffic percentage gain than any other opinion and commentary site on the web in the second half of 2002.

The "Leftist Chronicles" is a register of bizarre banter, ludicrous lies, and demented demagoguery from the leftists. One focus is the mainstream press and political talk shows that have so much influence on the meek American public with their liberal biased slant. This leftist garbage is incinerated with burning commentary backed by fact based reality.

Wits, Quips and Clips are short serious briefs and satirical looks at the daily happenings.

America's Latest highlights the outrageous degradation of America's founding principles and the special treatment of celebrities, politicians, and sports figures proving that there truly is "Unequal Justice Around Law".

The "Farcical Fools at Free Republic" exposes the lunatics at Free Republic.com. What is more hilarious than 60,000 members who think and say that they are conservative but support and cheerlead for a pro-socialist agenda? And, they fork over money to the owner who forces them to support liberal agenda! Wit and humor are plentiful in the "Top 10 ASSWIPER Awards". You are encouraged to submit your own commentary, vote and affect the ranking for the Top 10, and send in actual quotes from some of the looniest of the lunatics at Free Republic. The hypocrite of all hypocrites is their founder, Jim Robinson, who deletes posts and bans members who express conservative thought. Actual posts with fact based commentary will prove that fact.

"You've got that right" highlights comments from right thinking heroes and heroines of the modern day—those not afraid to tell it like it is for decent freedom loving Americans. Political correctness has no place for those who expose corruption and the leftist direction our country is taking.

"Off the Mark" catches straying conservatives veering off path. Too often, conservatives fall prey to the liberal press and opinion polls believing that they must not come across as a conservative but as a moderate. True conservatives never want their leaders and commentators to ever sacrifice principles for a sound bite or to offer an olive branch for some hoped for moderate compromise.

When you balance the over-weighted liberal agenda with a conservative agenda, you do not get a moderate compromise. You still get socialism.

Sentry believes conservatives need to spend a bit less time bashing the liberals' farcical positions and spend more time actively holding non-liberals accountable. More mileage can often be gained by doing the latter. The reason why the GOP has drifted to the left is because there is no outrage expressed against Republicans who give up their principles, such as Arlen Specter's failure to vote yes on impeachment. "Off the Mark" will be one such forum.

"Talk Show Host Misfires" is dialogue by Sentry (or members and readers of Sentry Over America) with syndicated talk show hosts where we disagree with the point by the host and, in plain words, the host just flat out misfired. In addition, some misfires that Sentry or readers just hear will also be presented. Members and readers of the site are encouraged to send in their experiences and arguments for possible publication.

"The Right Resource Directory" is the definitive directory of information and web sites for the serious conservative researcher, author, or conservative webmaster. The Best is getting better as the Resource Directory is expanding even further as size now dictates that categories have their own separate pages. This will allow far greater expansion of this high volume site and faster page load. Sentry will be adding sites as quality dictates on a weekly basis.

Featured Reports refute the propaganda and generally accepted beliefs that are based on talking points, not facts. Factual history, expert opinion, and official data often presented in graphical and tabular format for ease of understanding are used in these reports to illustrate the real truth, disprove the contorted reasoning, and expose the outright lies of the leftists. The IV Part Legacy Lies series in one such example.


About the content

Sentry over America is a conservative analysis and opinion site.

You will see every report, editorial, or guest article focus on one of the following:

  Loss of Freedom

Why discuss other issues when we are losing our freedom? The mystery is why do so many Americans who claim to love the "land of the free" show so little outrage?

Sentry over America believes both parties are moving our country further into a taxing slave state and eventually socialism or communism—the liberals simply at a faster pace. The free enterprise system made this country the greatest economic power on earth. The very engine of that growth is being destroyed by:

A confiscatory tax policy that saps the energy of the producers who both fund the government through their taxes and employ the people, and

A failure to use technology and management skill to reduce the size of government and make it more efficient. Instead, elected leaders continue to grow the government faster than the rate of inflation.

A majority of Americans voting for socialist/communist slavemasters as their elected officials.

We are witnessing the final chapter in our loss of freedom. The government is growing bigger instead of being trimmed. Over half of our taxpayers pay practically no taxes. Soon, as the baby boomers start to retire, the people who actually fund this government will no longer have payroll taxes and will pay less income taxes. We will be left with a colossal government with few left to fund it. Confiscation of assets will then increase for retired people. The statist encirclement will then be complete and all freedom will be lost.

National Security

Why do people waste time discussing abortion? Discussing Medicare? Discussing whatever?

There really are just two critical issues in America. First, the loss of freedom just mentioned. Second, all facets of national security. Why debate Medicare if we lose our freedom to statism? Why discuss abortion if we lose millions of lives to that backpack nuke that we can't stop with our porous borders and "open door to terrorists policy"? All other issues eventually trickle down from these critical two. Thus, all discussion on all other issues is moot--until we reclaim our freedom and regain true national security. (see note below)***

N. Korea, China, Iran, Iraq, and others now have, or will have soon, missile and nuclear technology capable of killing tens of millions of Americans and the socialists in Washington do not want to defend our country from a missile attack. The agenda from both parties is placing a higher level of importance on global social welfare than on protecting our citizens and our nation.

If we do not have our freedom, if we lose millions of lives in a nuclear attack, are not these other issues moot?

***Note: This "About Us" page ( except the new section on "Farcical Fools at Free Republic") was written long before the WTC attack and the new terrorist/nuclear threat. It was also written shortly after George Bush's Inaugural and long before we knew that George Bush would spend money like a drunken liberal, increasing social and foreign waste at levels far higher than anything Scumbag ever did, and not spend this wasted money instead on security and intelligence improvements.

Just as Sentry Over America stated shortly after Bush's Inaugural, and just as this has been proven in GWB's first two years, the ONLY two issues really important to freedom loving Americans are 1] the loss of our freedom (accelerating under Bush's liberal spending spree), and 2] national security, all but neglected with billions being directed to wasteful foreign black holes ($500 million to Africa for "education"). Bush has increased domestic social waste from previous years, in some cases, up to 200% from the previous funding year!

When we get our next major attack on America, some blame should be directed at the Bush administration for not spending this money for our own national security instead of on this social waste and foreign waste.

Again, all other issues that may concern you are moot unless we have our freedom and unless we have our lives and are secure and safe inside the borders of our nation.***

Corrupt Education System

High school seniors are graduating illiterate. The curriculum is dominated by social studies, not software programming, math, or science. Students also graduate ignorant in American and world history. As we move into the new millennium dominated by science and technology, our students are not being taught subject matter needed to be successful in the world of tomorrow. Our schools have turned into a bureaucratic sewer.

Corrupt Leaders and Corrupt Organizations

If what happened during the Clinton regime's years had occurred overseas, it would have been called among the worst of the banana republics. Half the American public is in denial.

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been the most corrupt high-level government officials in the history of our country. For an American public to have voted Clinton in twice as president and Hillary as a Senator reflects on either the broad ignorance of the American people or their own corrupt standards and values.

This site will never "move on" from Clinton. On the contrary, we remember the Alamo, we remember the Day of Infamy. Here, we will also remember the Clinton corruption so we never forget that high-level government leaders have the capacity to destroy hundreds of years of principles and to make cynics out of all of us as we see unequal justice.

We will only "move on" with continual updates and analysis on corrupt elected officials.

Ignorance in America

Only by exposing how ignorant the general public is can we ever hope to reclaim our past standards and glory as a nation. Mainstream media never touches this subject, but it is clear that the general public is ignorant. From being stumped by $200 dollar questions on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" to Jay Leno's Jay Walking to the latest Harris Poll, it is clear that we are a nation in decline. The "National IQ" is growing in China and elsewhere but it is sinking fast in the USA which endangers our very survival.

Media Bias

The media controls the weak minded. Liberals control the media. We are starting to get more resources rooting out this horrific problem and we will do our part here as well.


The mainstream press encourages racism by giving racists plenty of airtime. Sentry Over America believes we must find a way to help the poor out of poverty through training, education, and tax policy that encourages people to move up the economic ladder.

The racial hatemongering of Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others should never be tolerated yet the liberal press continually gives these people a stage to promote their racism.

Sentry Over America believes liberals want the poor to remain impoverished so their constituency remains intact whereas conservatives are far more compassionate than liberals and want to truly help the poor and impoverished. Opportunity, education, laws, and a tax policy that encourages all people to move up and achieve their dreams is the desire of most conservatives.

The mainstream press does not give conservative writers and experts who are minorities equal exposure. Sentry will.

Slave State

Slavery has never been more widespread than today. When one taxpayer slaves all year and pays taxes equal to 10,000 or so local citizens who live off taxpayers' money and pay no taxes themselves, that is slavery.

In the next four years, the percentage of people that pay only five percent of the funding of this government will grow from 50 percent to 55 percent. The taxpayers that do fund the government will become a smaller percent and slavery will grow.

Sentry will continue to expose the continued drift into the taxing slave state and become a forum for activist groups that want to unite to attempt to reverse this and reclaim our freedom.

Unequal Justice

Clinton proved there is no longer "Equal Justice Under Law" and that Lincoln's words "all men are created equal" no longer are true. Crime and no punishment will also be exposed.

These are the focal points. Feedback is welcome.


Submissions Articles you would like to submit on these focal points are welcome. You can submit in Microsoft Word or a text file with HTML. Include your name or pen name, e-mail address, and your web URL so due credit can be given and a link referenced. Include a "by-line" or brief BIO. See the "Contact Us" page for more detail. Articles by the general public are also welcome although publication is not assured.

If you enjoy discussing issues in a forum, Sentry Over America's feature articles appear at Ether Zone. Please sign up and register for the forum at Ether Zone. Ether Zone features a number of outstanding writers and is the premier site for conservative and constitutionalist opinion. The forum is open to all and welcomes your input and comments.



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