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"We're not going to just shoot the sons-of-bitches, we're going to rip out their living Goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks."—General George Patton

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Issue 20 Page 1

White Slaves—Black Masters

Racist Louis and one of his "jive token slaves".Tax slavery is still slavery as much as cotton slavery was slavery.

Seven and one half million Americans pay roughly fifty percent of all income taxes. This is a little less than three percent of the population who pay half the taxes. Since LBJ, taxpayers— especially these so-called "rich" taxpayers—have forked over about six trillion dollars in wealth transfer payments to various poverty programs. Since these wealth transfer "payors" work half the year as slaves, and since we assume the black slaves worked all year as slaves, we can say that the total amount of hours worked as slaves equal about the same amount of hours worked as slaves in 1860.

Full Article Page 2

Department Of Larceny

As you go through more of the mission statement, every mission is either an overlap with another agency or should not be part of a free market in the first place, such as "helping employers find workers". Aren't job seekers supposed to find employers? Has socialism made the slugs so sluggish that, instead of encouraging them to seek employers, we spend 58 billion to help employers seek workers—with unemployment rates high?

Fat NadlerWe face a grave national security risk, including Mueller, Cheney, and Rumsfeld stating that we should expect a WMD attack on the United States. President Bush recently has stated he "wants Congress to reign in spending" even though he has added more layers of fat to his two budgets than Congressman Jerrold Nadler has added to his triple chin. Yet, we still continue on with more waste, more fraud, and more globalistic welfare than ever before in our nation's history.


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Leftist Chronicles

Some make you laugh. Some make you angry. But they all give you that "shake your head in amazement feeling" and make you wonder if they really believe what they said.

Sept 13, 2002 CNN Crossfire
Paul Begala comparing Reno to Ashcroft:
"But to say Janet Reno was anything but a great attorney general, let me tell you, John Ashcroft is not half the woman Janet Reno is. Janet Reno, you did a great job for America. God bless you."

Sentry Over America thanks all the new members and casual readers of our publication. The growth rate continues to be extremely high. Last week, we had over 20,000 hits in a single day.

Keep passing our link to your friends and contacts. Sentry Over America is committed to providing you with some of the best commentary, satire, and investigative reports found anywhere.


Legacy Stains Are Indelible,
Mr. Greenspan

I caused the crash!Show me the 1913 document of the Fed's founding where it says that a goal of the Federal Reserve is to be the judge of the value of a maid cleaning service or a multinational conglomerate? At what point when demand exceeds supply does a "bubble" emerge? Concern about stock prices should not be a concern of the Federal Reserve—in a free society, that is. It was never stated in 1913 that the Fed should be a business valuator. Why is it that Greenspan can say there is irrational exuberance when stock prices are higher than where he thinks they should be, but he does not say we have irrational depression when Sun Microsystems is at three bucks a share?

Why the one-way street for the two-faced Fed Chairman?

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Guest Articles:

America Is NOT Winning the War
In Afghanistan, for instance, morally unsure of his right to safeguard American lives, Bush feared world disapproval over civilian casualties. He would neither commit the number of American ground troops required to capture the enemy nor authorize the kind of massive bombing necessary to kill the enemy before it fled. The result: hundreds of Taliban and al Qaeda escaped to plot further American destruction..—Guest Column by Onkar Ghate

The Betrayal of The Bush Doctrine
He did not oppose the U.N.'s election of Syria, a major sponsor of terrorism, to its "Security Council." And in addition to taking no action against Saudi Arabia—a country that, as an expert recently told the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board, is "active at every level of the terror chain, from planners to financiers, from cadre to foot-soldier, from ideologist to cheerleader"—Bush has invited its top officials for photo-ops at his Texas ranch, heralding America's "eternal friendship" with the Saudis. —Guest Column by Alex Epstein

Censorship On Campus?
They maintain that no matter how much the trustees of a university disagree with a professor's views, they should not be able to fire him. The owners of a university are to be stripped of their right to choose which ideas their wealth supports. Why? So that professors who consistently teach the evil of individualism, capitalism, the profit motive—and America—can espouse their views without the burden of having to seek the voluntary consent of those forced to sponsor them.
        Under the guise of championing free speech, therefore, these leftist professors are actually demanding its destruction (which is consistent with their advocacy of speech codes and "sensitivity training" on campuses).
—Guest column by Onkar Ghate

From JG at hotmail.com—

"Is unquestionably the best of the best on the net..I totally encourage you to continue exposing the corrupt, and the totally incompetent. This is the freshest, more forward, site, I have ever seen..Thank you..Jim"

Thank you!

Sentry Briefs:

First Lady—Third Rate Advice
Laura, what do you want our kids to do? Bury their face in the Saudi sand?

World Famous "Eiffle Dollar"
Read what the lunatics from France and other nations want to do with your paycheck.

America's Latest
Latest Unequal Justice Around Law

Just proving once again that there is "Unequal Justice Around Law" for celebrities, athletes, and politicians.

The Actor, The Athlete, The Politician's Son

This prediction is easy. No doubt the bookies in Vegas will not even give odds on this. These three celebrities will receive "justice" from the "Bill Clinton sentencing guidlines booklet". Stay tuned for the "Unequal Justice Around Law" sentencing.

You mean you shouldn't mix heroine and whiskey?Sept 12, 2002—A rumpled, slobbering Nick Nolte was swerving into oncoming lanes in his black Mercedes-Benz before his arrest for allegedly driving under the influence. Capt. Dan Bower of the CA Highway Patrol said he believed he was under the influence of drugs. (Released $2500 bail)


I don't need Johnny Cockroach, do I?  Do you know where he is OJ?Sept 14, 2002—Four beers, three margaritas, speeding, unsafe lane change, and no proof of insurance.

If this happened to you, how would your arrest go? With Albert Belle, former All-Star—released after six hours. Stay tuned for the "Bill Clinton guidelines sentencing".


If our Democrat voters can vote 97 times each, then I should be allowed to drive 97 MPH!Sept 14, 2002—Albert Gore III, son of disgraced ex-Vice President Al Gore, was charged with DUI, but he was not even taken into custody!

In the summer of 2000, he was cited for driving 97 in a 55 but the reckless driving charge was dropped.

You've got that right!

Tired of the centrist mumble? Here are some refreshing comments straight from the"tell it like it is" school.

Michelle Malkin
The same cannot be said on the domestic front. One year after the attacks, officials in both major parties continue to be paralyzed by political correctness and bureaucratic sclerosis. They have yet to come to grips with the reality of homicidal America-haters lurking at our doorstep -- evildoers whose main tactic is to infiltrate our country and kill us. Our immigration system remains gutless, clueless, senseless and defenseless.

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