Poetry Zone

My Dear Old Friend
I've noticed someone laughing at you
my dear old friend today
just because you are different
in so many little ways.

You don't belong to any group
you don't impose your thoughts
your helping hand is always ready
for someone needing care.
Your ways to help might be subtle
unnoticed and mundane
but gives your heart a lot of comfort
and joy in every way.
So there you go my dear old friend
don't ever change your ways
ignore these silly superfluous laughs
and be true to your simple ways.

A glorious sunset marks the end of the day
I say my good bye in a most perfect way
I count all my blessings with a heart filled of joy
there is never a moment I forget what I have
To embrace each new day with gratitude, I vow,
and have fun at the fullest with people I adore
I live in the moment the best way I can
'cause tomorrow is uncertain ,
so I take care of today
If I Had Wings
If I had wings I would fly up high,
I would touch the Moon and kiss the stars,
I would search for angels and learn their songs
to bring them back with me below.
We are in need to learn so much
of things that matter to improve our lives.
Time is passing, we are wasting some
in silly games that hinder our paths
Let's hope our journey is not in vain,
cause our being here, is our time to learn.
While on earth, we should enrich
our hungry spirit that never sleep.
Savor all the moments that life may give,
enriching thus our soul when it's time to leave.
New Hope

I woke up this morning, there was hope in my heart
saw the sun shining with splendor above
Life, beautiful, simple, I can feel it again
the blanket of sorrow it's been lifted away
Yes, it's me digging from the darkness below
I have finally conquered the splendor above
I can see new blue skies, feel wisdom and hope
as I glance at my "Heart" with joy at my side
I will spend every moment of a new given day,
try to help others, if I can, in small ways.
Life is so beautiful, I feel blessed, I feel proud,
thanks for the joy and new hope, I have found!

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