. Architecture is a Language . 

  Achieves  -  One   Two   Three   Four   Five


Our eyes longed for beauty, our soul naturally seeks beauty. True enough, beauty isn’t a functional necessity but Art / Beauty is the substance that feeds our inner soul. Further enhancing the meanings in our lives and our existence. Art has to engage our inner most senses. It could be ethereal. Being able to manifest our inner emotions which in turn, triggers memories or inspirations to dream....

Architecture has got to have their own stories to tell, pregnant with secrets and meanings, either meant to be revealed or concealed. Architecture must be of relevance to its context. Architects plays the role of not only designing functional buildings but also to substantiate it with reasoning and meaning. It is only when there is truth to a piece of architecture then…. it is given its a life of its own...



Just Who Is This Young Punk?!

Zhengping is a currently an Graduate Architect based in Singapore. When he is not pulling out his hair searching for a sound concept or  solution, he empties his daily random thoughts about his Life, his Luv, his Toys & his Walk With Lord Jesus over here .... Click Here To Learn More About This Punk...


Get Hold On Him At...

MSN live messenger / Email  - slash46 at hotmail.com



23rd September 2008
     . Hussein Chalayan .     


Listening To : XX

 Time Of Hallucination : xx




Up next, Brit fashion maverick Hussein Chalayan..... Watch out for this space!












22nd September 2008
     . "I Thought My Jokes Were Bad... " .     


Listening To : Pastor Prince

 Time Of Hallucination : 0005




So I must certainly confess my obsession with Heath's portrayal of the Joker. I've seen Heath's performance in the epic Broke-back and frankly... doesn't manage to recall any classic scene of Heath... so when I heard that Heath's is going to take on the Joker (uphill task after a good one by jack Nicholson) .. I wasn't really all excited...




... But when the word came that he locked himself all alone in a hotel just to attain the correct 'Sick' voice and acting + had read feedbacks that his acting was kicking asses... I knew I have to catch the first super hero flick in the recent years... So .. in order to check out the Joker in The Dark Knight... I went to the silver screen ......




and I am so fucking blown away by his performance... in a way.. it's really a classic masterpiece performance.... rather in a 'uncle' clowning way of the Joker by Jack, Heath totally reinterpreted it in a riot anarchy way... whom Heath somewhere cited Sid Vicious as a precedent for his role... the way he instil fear and suspense into the audience.. how he engages the audience... ( Heath's Joker did scared the crap out of me I confess ) .... and to me... it simply drives home the point win...




It has been so long since I'm so into a single person / character... it's like back to adolescence once again.. in a rather disgusting way - Hormone driven screaming school girls...





Good acting Heath! see you in heaven!












19th September 2008
     . Food For Thought .     


Listening To : Pastor Mark

 Time Of Hallucination : 0036








Source :   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Carter




Kevin Carter (1960 - 1994)  won the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography in 1994... after this controversial picture was published in the papers.. images are such powerful medium... it tells a sad sad story of famine.. and how the tables had turned on Homo sapiens... his suicide note he left shortly after winning the award is as follows....





" I am depressed ... without phone ... money for rent ... money for child support ... money for debts ... money!!! ... I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings and corpses and anger and pain ... of starving or wounded children, of trigger-happy madmen, often police, of killer executioners...I have gone to join Ken if I am that lucky. "





Enough said....














