Miscellaneous Computer Thoughts

The Most Important Thing I Know About Computers

Important Viruses You Should Know About

I'm addicted and I can't sign off!"

You're might be addicted if...

Netscape & Win 95 Tips

E-Mail Tips

Table of Contents

Computer Tips

You Need Help From Me?

The History of My Insanity

About me

My Bookmarks

My Friends

Graphics Links

If you are looking for the answer to your computer problems, you might find it here. You will not find technical jargon, however. I don't like technical explanations, because I don't understand them. So, if you are a techno wizard, this will be too simplistic. For those of us who are just learning, this may be of help.

Beginners' FAQ's

You will also find links to many Graphics sites. Unlike some people, I feel graphics make a page friendlier and give it a little life. Of course, for professional pages, I feel it is best to limit the graphics to only one or two that directly relate to the content of the page. Since this is NOT a professional site, I get to play all I want! I feel there are only two rules to follow when adding graphics to a personal site:

    1. make them relavant to the content
    2. keep the page fast loading by limiting the number and size of the graphics
Links to Backgrounds and Graphics

Some people think there are a lot more rules. If you want their version, go to their site! This is my house, and those are my rules.

Since this is a computer page, I guess I will tell you about my computer. It is an AST Advantage, P166, 16mgs of RAM, 8 speed CD-ROM, 1.6 gig hard drive, running Windows 95. I have a 14" monitor (I don't know from color, so don't ask about 16 or 256 or all that stuff) and I use Netscape 3.0 to surf the internet. Since I started living in GeoCities, I have added Aracnophilia as my editing program (very nice now that I have some idea of how to work it). I use e-mail a lot, but I still don't know how to use it properly. It seems the people who design the "help turorials" assume you actually had someone show you some of the basic stuff. They don't take in to consideration that some of us just sit down at the computer and start typing! So, with NO, REPEAT NO help at all, it only took me two weeks to learn how to read an e-mail, and four months to learn how to save it to my hard drive. I am still working on getting it back to the e-mail program! So, as you can see, I am semi-computer literate. There is really no hope of a light at the end of the tunnel any time soon.

Are you done laughing, yet? If not, go ahead. Take your time. There is no rush. I can sit here as long as you can. All done? Good.

Friends who have helped me.

I know, this page is rambling a bit. So, if you have any really good HTML links you would like to share with the world, please drop me a note and I will include them on this page. Otherwise, maybe you can learn something from one of the links I already have listed. If you are already an expert, have you joined the HTML Writers Guild? You really should share your expertise with the rest of us. If you are an amateur, you can join, too. They are great at offering all kinds of helpful hints, and you get a very nice logo to put on your site. It's all FREE so why not join today.