8/11/99- Holy Penguin Pee, Linus!


Tuesday Jess and Rem and I (and others of the LUGOD persuasion) went to Linux World Expo...which was fun. Not like I have any clue what was going on, but there was tons of free stuff (schwag) to acquire. Though I wanted a free penguin, and I didn't get any (sniff). They only handed them out if you went to a presentation, and then could answer questions about it, and I knew I didn't know jack. Did get to check out several distributions, though (I'm thinking of putting maybe Debian or something on the computer). And was pretty amused by the speech Linus (founder of Linux) gave...the Q and A part, Mike S. asked him some question, and right out Linus goes "I love you." It was hysterical. Plus this loud guy (who the prez of LUGOD apparently hates) won some award, and as he's blabbering on, Linus's kids came on stage and ran around, back and forth, squealing, wanting to be picked up, grabbing daddy's legs and sticking their faces into his crotch...it was great. Woke up the audience. Then afterwards we went to the Slashdot party, and Jess actually talked to Linus...yay for her! The rest of us were all shy and stuff. I do that around the famous.

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