Welcome to La Machine

Sam Spade
Sam Spade
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The new party pics are posted!

Party time!
Yes, here are the latest party pics. A typically sedate and elegant affair that we are known for. Several of you know about the pictures that have not (yet) been posted. We will be accepting bids for the publish and the keep hidden crowd.

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Hiking Mt. Whitney. The latest adventure.

The trek of 22 miles, approx 8500' to 14500' and back in one day!
Was that a stupid idea or what?

This is a work in progress.

The more I look at the usual "My interests are..." lines, the more they seemed trite. This is my replacement.

I maintain this page for myself and my friends. I am nuts about digital photograpy and image manipulation. I am always looking for patient and open minded models. The Julie pics are some examples of my work. I use a DC-120 and Photoshop.

The rest of the site are special interest pages for select audiences. Examples are the North... pages. These are for friends that are interested in the gonzo run north, or for people searching for info on driving to Inuvik or the Arctic Circle.

Links to other sites on the Web

Email me at lamachine@oocities.com
Please come back soon and visit me. Have a nice day ;-)

North 'til the wheels get wet! They story begins. Return frequently for more chapters.

Background for the trip. An introduction to the mission objectives, the cast of characters, and a short FAQ.

The trip begins. The drive north, part 1.

A bunch of pics laid out in a table These will remain until the rest of the story pages are complete.

Some pages with my pics.

Julie lookin' good! A very patient and enthusiastic model.

The infamous costume party It was the best of time, it was the worst of times.

Other parties and misc pics. Kind of a catch all page of pics.

The old homestead. Pics of the house and yard.

The incentive bet party. Good times had by all.

Sammy's Seadoo Pics Page
Crummy photos of a kickin' machine!
I'll get better with practice.
That's right Sam, this is a hint.