Jokes R Us
Reload This Page As It Is Updated On A Regular Basis
There are lucky people on this earth.

Warning: the jokes on this page are extremely funny and if you get offended by any of them then just bad luck because you will just have to cope with it. Do not read these extremely funny jokes out near graveyards as funny things have been known to happen. If you have heart problems I recomend that you press the "Back" button on your browser.

Note: If you like very funny jokes then place a bookmark here as this page will be updated regularly with even funnier jokes.

Click on this picture to see a hot pic of Jennifer Anniston!!!
If you want to find out more about me click on the picture of me below this text.

The jokes have been divided into the following categories.

Blonde Jokes

Irish IQ Test

Yo mamma's so fat jokes

Cathead Jokes (Read the information about me to find out what this all about)

The difference between men and women

Racist Jokes

Lawyer Jokes

The Complete List of Pickup Lines

The Complete Fart Chart

Beer Jokes

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I need your help to make this page funnier so please send me a comment or a new joke.
I would like to say a special thanks to my friend David Klugman who provided some of the Jokes on this Page.

Blonde Jokes | Irish IQ Test | Yo mamma's so fat jokes | Cathead Jokes | Racist Jokes | Lawyer Jokes |
| The Difference Between Men And Women | Classic Pickup Lines | The Fart Chart | Beer Jokes |
| Start Page |

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