The Next Club Seattle Party

Hiline Lanes

Another party at the bowling alley...

Date: Friday, 26 March 1999
Location: Hiline Lanes
15733 Ambaum Boulevard S.W., Burien WA
Phone 206 244 2272
Time: Starting around 7 or 8 p.m.
Directions: See below or see the directions we gave to our first party. The directions say about the same thing, but you may find the earlier directions more readable.

We keep going back to the bolwing alley for a number of reasons:   It is open to all ages, it has a bar for legal drinkers, food, and some entertainment activities beyond just hanging around with your chat friends.

Getting to the Bowling Alley

Freeway directions:
From I-5: Go to Highway 518, the Airport-Burien Freeway (westbound at exit 154). Follow it to where it ends at a traffic light.
From I-405: Head south. It turns into Highway 518 where it crosses I-5. Follow Highway 518 to where it ends at a traffic light.
From Highway 509: Go to Highway 518, and take it west a block or so where it ends at a traffic light.
Local street directions:
Highway 518 There are a couple of traffic lights at the end of Highway 518. The first light is for getting onto Highway 509 -- skip it. The second light is to 1st Avenue South -- turn left (south) there.
First Avenue South Follow 1st Avenue South to S.W. 157th Street, and turn right (west) there, by a Value Village.
S.W. 157th Street S.W. 157th Street ends in a "T" at Ambaum Boulevard.
Hiline Lanes The bowling alley's parking lot is straight ahead. It's across the street from an Azteca Restaurant.

Future Club Seattle Parties -- Where?

The bowling alley has been a good place for parties in many respects. (Read about it and other past parties here.) Parking is free, and plentiful. It serves alcohol, for those who want to drink, but also allows people of all ages, so parties aresn't restricted to those of drinking age. It permits smoking throughout, which is convenient for smokers, but inconvenient for those who don't deal well with smoke. Food is available, but rather limited.

Spectators, a bar, has its good and bad points too. Parking is free, although the lot got kind of full. It serves alcohol, for those who want to drink, but has a 21-and-over sign at the door. It hasn't consistently enforced that rule, but minors who arrived to the 23 October 1998 party after about 9 p.m. were stranded outside the door. It permits smoking throughout, which is convenient for smokers, and the ventilation is good, which is nice for non-smokers. The food selection and quality are adequate.

The privately rented location had one big advantage, being private. One down side was the need to pay for its rental, although the cost per person wasn't bad because it was split among those who were there. Another problem along those lines was that someone (MissWings in this case) had to take the risk of paying for the rental, and hope that enough people made it to cover the cost. Rules were minimal, again thanks to the location being private. Beyond that, I (SteveS) don't know much, since I didn't make it there. I'll report more when I get more reports from others.

We've done public two picnic parties (plus at least one at a private home), although they're not listed in much detail on the Past Parties page. They were good for some reasons: reasonable parking, great scenery, low cost, yummy make-it-yourself-food, and fresh air. They had some disadvantages: people all didn't show up at the same time, confusion about where to meet, no food unless you brought it yourself, and (at Mount Ranier) massive crowds.

Our operators had a channel-business meeting, which was also something of a party, in a downtown Seattle bar. Parking downtown sucks, but bus access was great. We ate in the non-smoking restaurant section, then continued the meeting in the well-ventilated, smoking-permitted bar section. Alcohol and good food were available, but the place was adults-only. That was no problem for the operators' meeting, since the operators are all legal. The location was too crowded for an all-channel party anyway. But it would be troublesome for an all-ages, all-channel party. Another downtown Seattle location might work for an all-channel party though, and (unless we get some under-age operators) the same location would work fine for future channel-business meetings.

Future ideas are always under consideration in chat and the bulletin board. There is currently a discussion about where to have the next party there.

Discuss meeting future parties in our bulletin board and guest book.
Or read what everyone else has to say.

There are possible locations for future in-person meetings. Some people suggest going farther south; others say farther north.
Here's one:  Do more picnic parties (a better idea during summers).
Here's another:  Rent another private party hall.
Here's another:  Go to the same bowling alley or bar again.
Here's another:  Go to a different bowling alley or bar. The one near I-90 and I-405 has been suggested.
Here's another:  Crossroads Shopping Mall in Bellevue has lots of free parking, a the best mall food court in the area, a Starbucks, and lots of seating. Privacy is of course lacking there. It doesn't serve alcohol, so it's all ages, and doesn't allow indoor smoking. Several good restaurants close by do serve alcohol, and one has a smoking area.

Go back to the main page.

This page has been viewed (count) times in 2000. It was viewed 0341 times in 1999 and 1799 times in 1998.

SteveS currently maintains this page.
The content comes from numerous Club Seattle people.
Page created in January 1998. Last updated on 23 March 1999. (Minor update on 5 January 2000.)

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