Club Seattle Party Reports
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Our First Party -- Hiline Lanes
6 February 1998

Our first in-person Club Seattle channel party was at Hiline Lanes, a bowling alley in Burien. It was on the occasion of Vince's 30th birthday, and also KarrenZ's birthday. SteveS and others had cameras there, and SteveS shot a whole roll of film, which he got processed and scanned onto a picture disk. Check them out on the 6 February 1998 party report page!

Return to Hiline Lanes
20 March 1998

The second Club Seattle channel in-person party, after much discussion, ended up at the same location as the first. SteveS shot a partial roll of film, and after a long delay he finally got the pictures online. Check them out on the 20 March 1998 party report page!

Wildness at Zenith Hall
16 May 1998

The third Club Seattle channel party was at a place called Zenith Hall, which was privately rented. O-D-I-E and his band provided the music. MissWings worked hard to organize the event. She also took pictures, and scanned them right away. Check them out on the 16 May 1998 party report page!

A Picnic by White River
13 June 1998

MissWings worked hard to set up a picnic at a camping area along White River. The park wasn't even officially open then, but she got permission from the state parks department for us to party there. She was there when the picnic party was supposed to begin, and hung around there for a long time. The rest of us didn't show up, and she gave up on us and left. Then the rest of us (not many) started to show up, wondering where she was. We cooked up some food on a propane stove, and hung around and talked. I (SteveS) took some pictures, which I don't have scanned yet. After a while we got a bit cold, and left.

A Bar Party at Spectators
11 July 1998

I (SteveS) missed this one, and don't have much information about it to tell here. If anyone wants to send me a report, I'd be happy to put it here where everyone can read it. There were some pictures taken there, some of which have been scanned. Check them out on the 11 July 1998 party report page!

Picnics at Mount Rainier National Park
2 August 1998

The Mount Rainier picnic turned out better than our first picnic. We didn't all manage to meet up with each other, but everyone had lots of fun anyway. There were at least two groups of us there partying, and at least one of us there enjoying the park alone, without finding either group. Lots of pictures were taken there, by a number of people. Some of them don't have scanners and haven't gotten anyone else to scan theirs, and some of us with pictures to scan haven't done so yet. But all who went to the park thought the party there was a big success.

Simulated Surfing at Spectators
14 August 1998

We went back to Spectators not too long after the first time there. It was a fun event, and included a 21st birthday celebration, simulated surfing (no, not web surfing), dancing, and public intoxication. Some of our under-21 people felt left out, even though the bar allowed some under-21s in (although they couldn't buy alcohol). Several people took pictures there, and some of them are even scanned and online now. Check them out on the 14 August 1998 party report page!

Two Parties in Late September
25 September and 27 September 1998

The first was at the bowling alley, and I didn't attend. The second was by invitation because it was at a private home, but lots of people from the channel were invited. I was there, and took pictures, but pictures won't be here too soon, because I still have a lot of film left before the roll is finished.

P.S. If I got the dates wrong, let me know. I didn't look them up, and may not get around to looking it up before someone notices.

Two Parties in Late October
23 October and 24 October 1998

The first was at Spectators, and I was there, although I didn't take any pictures. Wild One took some pictures, but doesn't have them on his page any more. The second was at the bowling alley, and I didn't attend. I'll provide pictures and more information if anyone provides it.

Party Stories and Plans

Tell your party stories in our bulletin board and guest book.
Or read what everyone else has to say.

Future Parties

We're always making plans for more parties. Check the party plan page for more about them.

This page has been viewed (count) times in 2000. It was viewed 0961 times in 1999 and 1167 times in 1998.

SteveS currently maintains this page.
The content is the product of numerous Club Seattle people.
Page created in February 1998. Last updated on 25 October 1998. (Minor update 5 January 2000.)

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