My Two Cents!

Thaera's Cinéma Page
Anyone who knows me knows what a fan I am of movies!
(Do you need to see the key for the icons I use?)

|  A Bug's Life  | Fallen  | Mulan  | Zorro  |

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A Bug's Life, Disney-Pixar, Rated G, Run Time.96 min
Warm, computer animated, family.
Dave Foley, Kevin Spacey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, David Hyde Pierce

Flik is always coming up with ideas and inventions to increase worker production, improve quality of life, and in general make things easier for his whole ant colony. Unfortunately, ants are resistant to change, and his efforts are not properly understood by the queen, the princess, or anyone else in the anthill. In addition, like most geniuses, Flik is a little bit of an outcast, and his clumsiness inadvertently causes the ruin of a whole year's seed gathering. He sees the chance to redeem himself to the princess and the others when the colony is threatened by the grasshoppers, for whom the seeds had been intended.

I paid money to see this at the theater. Made me laugh. Official Site. More information about this movie. Thaera's thumbs up!

Fallen, Gregory Hoblit, Rated R, 125 min
Dark, thriller.
Denzel Washington, John Goodman, Donald Sutherland.

Detective John Hobbes is a good man and a good cop. He tracks down a serial killer named Edgar Reese, and sees him to the gas chamber. Thank goodness, another sicko gone on to where he can do no more harm... but it doens't seem to be over yet- why are there people around him singing Reese's favorite song? And calling him at 2 am, like Reese did before his execution? And the homicides have begun again, Reese-style, down to the type of poison used. When the jibberish Reese was mumbling in his cell before his execution turns out to be a threat in an ancient language, John knows he needs more help. Greta is a religious woman who knows her bible stories and her angel lore, and claims to know what is going on. Could there be a fallen angel among us, living out his sentence on earth?

I watched this movie on network or cable television. Slow parts. More information about this movie.

Mulan, Walt Disney, Rated G, appx 1 hr. 30 min.
Animated, family.

Young Fa Mulan discovers that her lame and aging father is being called off to war against the invading Huns. Determined to save her father's life, she steals away in the middle of the night, carrying his orders and wearing his armor. The spirits of the ancient ancestors see her go, and, concerned for the family name, send a guardian dragon to bring her back before she disgraces them all. The little lizard dragon Mishu instead takes it upon himself to see that she fights in battle-- in the hopes that he might get a promotion. He and Mulan's lucky cricket join her and see her through her tough army training with the roughnecks of the company. Her fellow soldiers-to-be and handsome Captain Shang all think she is a skinny young man named Ping. But how long before her army is called to battle? And how long can her secret remain a secret?

Wonderful story, lifelike characters, I recommend this for all ages. Based on ancient Chinese epic poem. I will purchase this when it comes to video.
I paid money to see this at the theater.> Made me laugh. Made me cry. Yes, I cried, it's Disney. Official Site IMDB

The Mask of Zorro- Martin Campbell. Tri-Star Pictures, Amblin Entertainment. Rated PG-13. 136 minutes.

The masked swordsman Zorro, hero and champion to the people of Mexico, appears in a public courtyard just in time to foil the execution of three innocent peasants. With the help of two young boys, he makes his escape on his trusty steed and rushes home to his wife and child. The ruthless Governor Montero learns of Zorro's secret identity as Don Diego de la Vega and attacks the rebel in his home leaving him imprisoned, his wife dead and his infant daughter abducted. Twenty years pass, and Montero returns to California intent on a plan to bring it under his own control. Upon learning of his return, Don Diego escapes from his long imprisonment and prepares for his revenge. He comes across one of the young boys who had helped him the day in the courtyard, now a young man, drunk and angry about the murder of his brother. Together, the two must prepare to do battle with Montero and his American henchman to save California and reunite with Diego's lost daughter. So once again, the enemies of freedom and justice in California must fear of the man who leaves the mark of the Z.

Summary written in part by Kenneth Chisholm {}

I paid money to see this at the theater. Made me laugh. Some violence, action. Official Site IMDB

KEY for icons.
Here's what my icons mean:
(Note: These are not intended for you to use to decide what movies your children should see. My idea of explicit sexual content is already far beyond what your kids should be watching, and I mention drugs/alcohol if the plot is centered on it or if it a recurring theme.)
Run time. Run time.
I paid money to see this at the theater. I paid money to see this at the theater.
I paid money to rent this movie to watch at home. I paid money to rent this movie to watch at home.
I watched this movie on network or cable television. I watched this movie on network or cable television.
Slow parts. Slow parts.
Made me laugh. Made me laugh.
Made me cry. Made me cry.
Explicit sexual content. Explicit sexual content.
Explicit nudity. Explicit nudity.
Gratuitous foul language. Gratuitous foul language.
Some violence, action. Some violence, action.
A great deal of violence or gore. A great deal of violence or gore.
Drugs. Drug abuse.
Alcohol. Alcohol abuse.
This movie won awards. This movie won awards (not necessarily an Oscar though).
Based on a book or short story. Based on a book or short story.
Official Site. Go to this movie's official website.Link.
More information about this movie. Go to the IMDB page for this movie. Link. for this soundtrack. Go to look at the soundtrack for this movie. Link..
Thaera's thumbs up! I enjoyed this movie very much, and plan to see it again or purchase it. for music or books related to this movie. Go to the site to search for music or books related to this movie. Link.

And THAT's..... My Two Cents!