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There is a stigma attached to the quest for trivia, the thirst for useless information, the knowledge of lots of stuff. People with an unquenchable desire for knowledge are portrayed in movies and on TV as spectacle-wearing misfits, spewing detailed unrelated facts at a mile a minute, oblivious to those around him staring openmouthed with disbelief. These, the nerds, are fascinated with knowledge, the need to know what makes things work, how far one heavenly body is from another, how two birds which look alike can be different species, and assume anyone around them is equally interested in this sort of random information. Some of these are the people who paid attention in class, asked the teacher more detailed questions, got scholarships to top schools, and genuinely, passionately, enjoy learning. Some of these are just everyday people, closet nerds, who whoop tail at Trivial Pursuit parties, actually get all of the bizarre jokes on the Simpsons, and keep their ears open for any useless random trivia so soak up for use for a more appropriate time. Such as, making a webpage entirely devoted to the pursuit of useless knowledge.

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I find that I need outlets for this thirst for trivia. We play Trivial Pursuit, You Don't Know Jack, and Mad Trivia. Sometimes I'll watch VH1, which is unbeatable for musical trivia with the develpment of Pop-Up videos, and Behind the Music, which is a biographical account of bands and musicians. MTV has followed suit with BioRhythm, which is another useful trivia input if you like biographical documentary programs (I do). In order to learn about a broader range of subjects I've gone back to school, I design webpages which brings me into close contact with different aspects of small businesses, and read books like a maniac. My only outlet when a Trivial Pursuit game is not forthcoming is to spew this knoweldge to uninterested parties, and so to save them the boredom of my interest in so many things I have created this page. Enjoy.

Don't miss my A Rose by Any Other Name page for some celebrity real names, to empower you with more useless trivia to spew as you go through your day. Feel free to send me your own favorite party-halting random trivia, the kind that starts out, "Did you know...?" Also, I add here that I cannot guarantee any of the following to be correct. As in life, this is information I pick up all over the place and frankly, I could get someting wrong and can't begin to remember all of my sources. If you want to disprove or correct anything please e-mail me and I'll be glad to look into changing it. Now, let the useless knowledge begin.

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