The Smoke Alarm

Thaera's Kitchen

The EZ Cookin' Page

To begin with, I am no great chef. I know what I like and am always willing to try something new, I can read and follow directions just fine, and have managed to find some pretty good chow. You will no doubt find your owns ways you like to improve any recipes you come across, for example I don't think I've sifted flour in my life and I like to add twice as much vanilla as the recipe calls for. Of the recipes which follow, those which have been given to me or handed down will give credit to the source. Generic recipes (Grilled Cheese, Iced Coffee) will give detailed instructions for how I like to prepare them.

Coffee Cake | Grilled Cheese | Iced Coffee | Spinach Casserole | Taco Dip | Truffles

Lisa's Coffee Cake

1 pkg baker's yeast
1 cup water
1 cup magarine
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup milk
2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
4 cups flour

1 stick butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup flour
2 tsp cinnamon
EZ Directions: Dissolve yeast packet in water. Mix all wet ingredients together in small bowl. Mix all dry ingredients together in large bowl. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry. Pour into 4 cake pans or three rounds. Mix topping ingredients together and add on top of cakes. Bake at 350 degress until done.
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Grilled Cheese

sliced wheat bread
brick cheddar cheese
margarine or butter

Note: There are several families of practice for preparing a grilled cheese sandwich. First of all, I am of the mind that grilled cheese sandwiches are to be served with soup. I prefer wheat bread over white, butter-the-bread over butter-the-pan, cheddar over processed American, and cut diagonally instead of cut in two rectangles. You should choose the preferred method for yourself and your family.
EZ Directions: Heat the pan or griddle to 325 degrees, or medium-high. Butter one side of each slice of bread. Set each slice butter-side-down onto the griddle in neat rows. You should hear the butter sizzle. While the bread is grilling, cut off enough slices of cheddar cheese to neatly cover half of the pieces of bread, and set them on the proper breads. As soon as the cheese begins to melt (should be no more than 1 to 2 minutes), flip the empty breads over on top of the cheese breads, and turn the sandwiches over so that the cheese now melts down into the un-cheesed bread. Again, no more than perhaps one minute and you should be done. Check for even grillage on both sides of each sandwich, cut diagonally, and serve in halves facing the same direction, with a bowl of hot soup.
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Iced Coffee

Full pot fresh-brewed coffee (about 1.5 qts)
1/2 qt milk
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup chocolate syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract

EZ Directions: Mix ingredients together, stir or shake well. Chill before serving or serve with ice. Stir or shake again before serving. Makes 2 quarts.
Variations: This is a great recipe to play around with, especially since many people take their coffee differently. This works fine with decaf or half-caff as well. Other coffee flavorings besides vanilla and chocolate are great to try, there are often hazelnut and carmel coffee syrups in the coffee aisle of the grocery store. I've been served an amazing peppermint iced coffee before during the holidays, but have never had any luck duplicating it-- if you'd care to try it, let me know how you do! For evenings, Bailey's Irish Creme, Kahlua, Cupa de Oro, B&B, creme sherry or straight whiskey also make great add-ins for coffee, hot or cold. For mornings, I like to mix 16 oz coffee (I usually use the cold coffee that is left in the pot from the previous night), 14 oz milk, 2 tablespoons sugar, and 2 scoops of chocolate breakfast shake mix (such as Slim Fast or Carnation Instant Breakfast-- the Slim Fast is so much better). I shake it up in a plastic bottle and drink it on my way to class-- this is my breakfast and lunch.
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Mom Hanson's Spinach Casserole

2 lb carton small curd cottage cheese
6 eggs
1/4 lb butter or margarine
1/2 lb processed American Cheese (Velveeta)
1 bag spinach - fresh - not canned or frozen
6 Tbsp flour
EZ Directions: Put cottage cheese in large mixing bowl and add eggs, one at a time, mixing with a spoon. Cut butter and cheese into 1/2 inch cubes (thumbnail size) and add to mixture. Wash and chop spinach and add it to bowl. Add flour, toss mixture lightly. Bake in 2 buttered casseroles. Bake at 325 degrees for appx 1 hr 15 min. Great to freeze.
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Mrs. Easley's Famous Taco Dip

8 oz cream cheese
4-6 oz guacamole or 1 softened avocado
4 oz sour cream
1 Tbsp lemon juics
1 Tbsp mayonnaise
salt and pepper
I bunch green onions with tops
lettuce and tomatoes
4 oz cheddar cheese, shredded.
EZ Directions: Mix first 6 ingredients in blender or food processor. Spread over bottom of serving plate. Layer on top: diced onions and onion tops, shredded lettuce to cover dip, diced tomatoes, and cover with cheese. Serve with taco chips like Doritos.
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Chocolate Truffles

1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
4 oz cream cheese, softened (use Neaufchatel for 1/3 less fat)
16 oz powdered sugar, sifted
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
Variations: This is another great recipe for experimenting. Try different chips for great results, mint-chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, if you can find them try raspberry chocolate chips! Make smaller batches of several flavors and combine together on a party tray. Try rolling them in crushed nuts or cereal, or adding 2 tablespoons of rum to the mix when you add the cheese. You can't possibly go wrong with this one...

EZ Directions: Melt 1/3 cups chocolate chips (note: you are saving some chips for later) in glass bowl in microwave, until they begin to lose shape. Stir with rubber spatula until smooth. Be sure chocolate is not hot before adding 4 oz softened cheese, you may need to let it cool for a moment. Stir chocolate and cheese together well. Add almost the entire 16 oz package of powdered sugar- keep out 1/4 cup and sift and add the rest. (You can sift just fine through a wire strainer if you don't have a sifter.) Mix until well-blended, it will be crumbly. Press mixture into about a 6 inch square on heavy-duty plastic wrap and cover with more wrap. Chill about an hour. Cut into 48 squares, roll each square into a ball and line them up on waxed paper. Roll half of the balls in your leftover powdered sugar, half of them in the unsweetened cocoa. Now, put 2 tablespoons of your leftover chocolate chips into a plastic sandwich bag and melt in microwave-- just a little meltier than you did before, until warm and runny. Snip a tiny tip from a corner in the bag, and drizzle chocolate lines all over your truffles. Mmmm. Ready to eat now, later, or can be stored in the fridge for up to a week. Remember they contain a tiny bit of cheese, so you don't want to leave them on the counter for more than a day. Not that they'll last that long. Makes 48 truffles.

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