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I have no idea what this guy is doing, but he's funny!

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{03262000} I added some pictures of my friends at Pacific University.

{032499} Okay, this is Rufus Wainwright's new (1998) CD. The coolest song, is April Fools. It's really neato but most of his other songs are more like old people songs (sorry if you are older and ... you know). If you wanna hear a clip of it on Real Audio, click on the magical Amazon.com box below. Then, if you like it, buy it!
Click on this picture to get to his website made by his label, Dream Works Records and learn more about him!

Or, go to http://members.aol.com/hobbit1983/rufus.html because it's a pretty good page on him and has a lot of songs on Real Audio and some on wav.

{032299}Another thing I put in is on the band The Marvelous 3. They're a band from Atlanta, Georgia and are pretty gosh darn good. My thing may not be too nice (like all of my other thingys) but it's got links to their official sites and stuff, okay?

I added a section on the band Orgy. It's one of my other pages.

You can listen to Savage Garden's "The Animal Song" on Real Audio here! On the single are two songs, "the amimal song" and "santa monica (bittersweet mix)", I think.

The Animal Song

It was made for the movie, "The Other Sister", starring Juliette Lewis and Diane Keaton. The single has been out since February 23 and the soundtrack and movie early March. The DVD version of "The Other Sister" has "The Animal Song" video on it.

This is stuff that I made about my favorite bands and people and movie.
Sorry, it's really messy. When I have more time, I'll try to clean it up!
Savage Garden
Savage Garden

Eve 6
Ethan Embry
"Empire Records"
New Radicals
New Radicals

The Marvelous 3

You can search for the bands and movie above or anything you want in this magical box.
You can also buy neato things when you click on it too! Isn't that totally funky?

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Amazon.com logo

Information about me!

My music

My favorite movies

4-H Congress
My wonderful 4-H experience!

A Little Story

Visit Savage Garden's Home Page!

Orgy's Official Homepage
My School's Website... Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon
Visit my buddie, Michi's page!
If you want scholarship info from fast web, click on me!
Mr. Fuzzy Wuzzy Man's page

I am the Great Cornholio

Well, tell me what you think and write to me! Bye for now!

I've always wanted to do this....THIS PAGE WAS UPDATED ON FRIDAY, 02112000 (almost a whole year has gone by since my last update! oops!)

I hope none of these pictures are copyrighted!!

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