
        Okay, here's a list of all the other great Alanis tributes on the Net. Some are awesome, and some are not so awesome but still great in it's own way since the author actually took time to make something(even if it was slapped together in a 5 minute coffee time) for Alanis. Still, I don't exactly favor the ones with an 'Under Construction' excuse promising a great page and is never worked on or one of those 'Hi and I just wanted to say that my favorite artist is Alanis Morissette. Thank you for visiting my Alanis Morissette Page.'. Those pages are given 1 star for an effort. Anything better is ensured a higher rating. But look around. You might find a great page that's just what you like. Oh, and just in case you've been here before, I've changed it slightly. The old method was great but took WAY too much time on a single link and well, I just don't have that kinda of time, even for Alanis.

Site Title Rating Discription
Alanis Morissette Net
Alanis Morissette Net was the first Alanis page I had ever visited. And, well, it was great!!! But 'was' is definatly the word for it. The last time I visited it, most of the links were broken which was quite a dissipointment. Plus, it hasn't been updated for quite a while(about a year). So, I guess what used to be the best Alanis site on the web is no longer as new sites move in every day which probably means the top never stay that way for long.
Alanis Morissette
Most official sites are the best site the band's got since it's designed by professional people who get paid doing what they do, but not this one. It lacks design and information is WAY out of date not to mention it's image heavy and, well, it just kinda sucks.
Eric's Guide to Alanis Morissette
A great page with lots of info and pretty nice design. It's got nice images although it is quite a bit image heavy. But, nonetheless, it's a great page, and hey, the author even took the time to do a version of it in French!!!=) Oh, and one for thing, you can thank AOL for it being down so much and awefully slow...
Miss Thing Web Site
A great site with really AWESOME images, TONS of info, and designed oh so well, it deserves 5 stars except for one little problem. It's WAY too image heavy. I started loading the page when I went to get the mail(which includes going down 5 floors to the lobby on a 10 year EXTRA slooow elevator and waiting another 5 minutes before I can hitch a ride back up) and when I got back, guess what??? The page still wasn't done loading. It finally finished after 2 minutes and I checked one of the graphics in the menu to see how big it was. 11k just for one small pic. Wonder why it takes so long to load. But still, visit the page. You've probably got a faster modem than me anyways.
You Oughta Know Alanis Morissette
Used to be a pretty good page. But then, it underwent new management and uh, what happened??? It lost it's design and well, blinking text everywhere in a huge text does not make a good page(it's what the beginners who think it's cool like). It's got lots of content and great pics but it can brush up on design.
A pretty good Alanis page with lots of content. It's got nice images(which could be reduced) and okay design. Plus, it's got catigories that I've never seen on a band page. Hum, Alanis Morissette Look Alikes???
What You Oughta Know About Alanis Morissette
It's the full story of Alanis Morissette. Great design and it's picture accompanyment is just right. Unfortunatly, the story of Alanis is all you're going to find. So, although it's got the design, the images, and everything else that's great, it lacks content.
Head Over Feet Over Alanis
Great page with lots of content but images can be reduced a bit. It's rather well designed and. The JavaScript is annoying but it's a great Alanis site that seems to be up to date. It also mentions a couple of other bands(including Pearl Jam!!!).
Alanis Morissette Net
An okay page that has okay design. It's got some content and is too image heavy. Oh, and the flashing ads at the top are really annoying. But other than that, it's got pretty nice images and um, it's not nice images.
Cyber Alanis
Lacks design and the images aren't too great either. And also, it doesn't have too much content. Wait, 'Happy Holidays' right after it promises changes. Hum, in August. Nice one...

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