"Iguanas are extremly agile
and fleet of foot. They escape most predators. But if cornered they bite savagely."
excerpt from the Grolier
Universal Encyclopedia
"When all government domestic
and foreign,in little as in great things,shall be drawn to Washington as the
center of all power,it will render powerless the checks of one government on
another,and will become as venal as the government from which we seperated."
Thomas Jefferson 1821
"Living in the sand ain't
quite as bad as you might think,/ I'm telling you.
If you had scales and claws like me/ I'm sure you'ld enjoy it Like I do."
excerpt from Iguana Living
©1987 Life Underwater. Lyrics: Red Iguana
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This is the page for all your Iguana locution! Submit
your Iguana songs, poems, short stories or whatever and I'll post them here!
With any luck this page should be updated weekly. It all depends on the response
I receive... I haven't received one in years...
to the SunsetStrip GeoCities
comments etc.: rediguana@oocities.com
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last updated 3 October 1996