With that said, bring on the Iguanas.
Table of Contents
The Complete Guide to Keeping Green Iguanas in Captivity |
The Complete Guide to Keeping Green Iguanas in Captivity . Preface . The intention of this booklet is to answer any questions an iguana owner may have regarding the proper care of his or her lizard.
http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~iguana/preface.html |
The Care, Feeding and Socialization of the Green Iguana |
The Care, Feeding and Socialization of the Green Iguana Melissa Kaplan (c) 1994 melissk@aol.com NATURAL HISTORY Your iguana is known to herpetologists (people who study reptiles and amphibians) as Iguana iguana, or the common green iguana. Your iguana came http://fovea.retina.net/~gecko/herps/iguanas/melissa.html |
Aggression In Iguanas | at: http://fovea.retina.net/~gecko/herps/iguanas/ig-aggression.html |
Iguanas | Iguana Iguana: Loads of iguana-care info and other fun stuff from Trendy's House of Herpetology. Iguana owners are encouraged to join the "Iguanas-Digest" mailing list. http://www.uni.edu/~strawm92/iguana.htm |
http://www.nucleus.com/iguana.html |
There are a few things to taking care of an iguana. Here is a list: Natural Behaviour, Enclosure http://www.nucleus.com/iguana.html |
Sorrel Downer . Costa Rica Today October 21, 1993 . Green iguanas are already on the endangered species list and soon they'll be featured on the best Costa Rican menus. What's more, every
Iguana Magazine - Home Page | As well as having your question posted in the magazine, you will receive personal E-mail with a more detailed answer to your question. As well as having your question posted in the magazine, you will receive personal E-mail with a more detailed answer to your question. http://www.infinet.com/~jax/iguana_mag.html |
The Green Iguana Manual for Windows¨ Version 2.0 |
Greetings: http://www.projectx.com/IggyFood/ |
The International Iguana Society | P.O. Box 430671 Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 Iguana Times Selected Contents of the Current Issue: The September 1995 issue of the Iguana Times features the following articles: Green Iguanas: Emerald Gems of the Jungle, by David Blair What do Wild Green Iguanas http://www.tropicalmarketplace.com/iis0.htm |
CyberLizard's Lizard Lounge |
THE LIZARD'S LOUNGE Information for Green Iguana Lovers The Lizard's Lounge is a place for the friends of green iguanas to hang out.After purchasing our green iguana named (Iggy) I found it very hard to find information about our little http://www.netins.net/showcase/cyberlizard/iguana.htm |
Iguanas Iguanas Iguanas! |
Other Interesting Iguana Resources: Iguana Manual by Jennifer Swofford. "The Care, Feeding and Socialization of the Green Iguana" By Melissa Kaplan. http://http.tamu.edu:8000/~kcv5938/iglink.html More links and info.
Iguana information on the Internet |
The net has since grown into a much larger role, but we owe a debt of gratitude to the iguanas who made it all possible in the first place. The Complete Guide To Keeping Green Iguanas In Captivity -- Jennifer Swofford's excellent guide to acheiving iguana nirvana. http://iguana.images.com/dupree/igpages.html |
The Iguana Fun Page |
Welcome to the New Iguana Funpage!!! http://www.io.org/~peelpgs/jim/iguana/iguana.html |
Henry Lizardlover | Henry Lizardlover's Lovable Website! . Who or what is a Henry Lizardlover??? . Once iguana time, and long ago, in a strange land called Los Angeles, there was a normal sort of guy, Henry was his name but after he
http://www.herp.com/henry/henry.html |
Herpmed's Salmonella Information Page | What to do to avoid becoming infected or acting as a carrier After handling any reptile be sure and wash hands with soap/hot water Wash thoroughly for at least 30 seconds; an antibacterial soap is preferable Washing with water only is ineffective in |
Iguana Spots | James site has a slew of tips for the prospective iguana owner and a scale raising escape story to boot. A couple of nice photos of his 2 iguanas to boot! |
Laser Reflectionshologram@accesscom.com | Laser Reflections sent me an ultra-supercool holographic postcard. If you are an iguana fan, you are going to need to get these postcards! |
Yamanouchi Iguana Laboratory |
Title :"IGUANA IGUANA IGUANA" Sub-Title:"How to love your iguana" ISBN 4-88023-044-8 C2076 Author :Akira Yamanouchi Takako Yamanouchi Publisher:Yoshiomi Yamaguchi Shinseisha Publication OCC Building,2-1,Surugadai,Kanda, Chiyodaku,TOKYO,JAPAN http://www.sagami.or.jp/~yama/yil/yil_e.htm |
The Albuquerque Green Iguana Page |
Hello; I am Pancho Verde. A juvenile green Iguana. And this is my web page. My owner, a mister Blankinship, works all day for Correa Enterprises in http://www.nmia.com/~blankins/
Alex's home page |
Dupree's Home Page | ... I am indeed a green iguana (Iguana iguana iguana) who lives in a home in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. Most people know me as the star of The Iguana Cam -- a web page where "live", up-to-the-minute snapshots of me are made available, every weekday. http://iguana.images.com/dupree/ |
Elmo's home page |
Pepper, The World's Most Famous Iguana!!! |
Not only the home of Pepper (a very attractive iguana), but also claims to have the most thorough and up-to-date
listing of Iguanas on the web. "I am a female Green Iguana, known in the science world as Iguana iguana. Fort Collins, Colorado is my hometown. I am currently 43 inches longĉand weigh almost 6 pounds. I adopted two humans on September 7, 1994. They thought I was about 2 years old then, and they think I must be about 4* now. I'm going to leave it a mystery for them. "-Pepper http://members.aol.com/iguanabeme/home.html |
Mr. Nice-Nice's home page | http://daw162.rh.psu.edu/paul/nice.htm |
Mutt & Jeff Jr.'s home page |
Ned's Iguana Homepage |
Pepe's Home Page --new!Henry Lizardlover R J IGUANA PAGE Iguan-O-Rama The Elmo Homepage The Iguana Funpage Jeff Newman's Iguana Page Jennifer Swofford's Iguana Manual A good resource--covers everything Melissa Kaplan's "The Care, Feeding and Socialization http://www.idworld.com/~tjohnson/iguana/ |
Topaz G. Iguana Extraterrestrial Invitation Page | http://www.rit.edu:80/~bjl4009/topaz.html |
the Iguanas |
The Iguanas are New Orleans based and combine Tex-Mex, Rock, R&B, and much more. Driven by twin saxophones, guitar and
accordion, The Iguanas groove will get any crowd onto the dance floor. The band consists of Rod Hodges (vocals, guitar, accordion),
Joe Cabral (vocals, saxophone), Rene Coman (bass), Derek Huston (sax), Doug Garrison (drums) and this is their home on the World
Wide Web. http://www.iguanas.com |
Jazz Iguanas |
Primarily original tunes ranging from Afro-Cuban jazz and vocal hip-hop to danceable Funk. http://www.well.com/user/drums420/ji.html |
Gustavsson, Mikael - MickeG |
links to Ducati superbike, iguana, paintball pages; guide to keeping an iguana. http://www.student.lu.se/~tps94lmg/index.htm |
Hochsprung, Bill |
My resume, what's in my fridge, and my iguana page http://acad.bryant.edu/~whochspr/ |
Iguana Iguana |
How to contact Iguana Iguana vzw/asbl Milcampslaan 101 B-1040 Schaarbeek Belgium FAX: +32-2-582 66 50 BBS: +32-2-582 66 50 e-Mail: iguana@medelec.uia.ac.be Bank: 423-3132541-64 This page is maintained by Ivo Clarysse - GUTEST7@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be. http://www.innet.be/iguana/misc/contact.html |
Iguana's in Flagstaff, Arizona |
FLAGUANA Iguana Hash House Harriers Flagstaff, Arizona April 19-21, 1996. HYPE: Cum to Flagstaff and join the Iguanas - the homeless hash! Flagstaff is http://www.usa.net/~zippy/ig6916.html |
Iguana Page |
Iguana Page. My brother has so many pictures of his pets that I felt obligated to add some of my trusty reptilian companion, Herb. This is my pet Iguana. http://www.brownout.com/iguana.html |
Independent Group of Unix-Alikes & Networking Activists (Iguana) |
supporting and informing its members with regard to computers and networking. In particular, we concentrate on users of 'Free Operating Systems.' http://www.innet.be/iguana/ |
Langfield, Allan |
Purple Iguana, D. Spunkmeyer, idec light, Boulder, Links to Utah Saints, NIN, Shamen http://ucsu.colorado.edu/~langfiel/Home.html |
Hotel Plaza Iguana Vacation Club | The resort, which is situated next to the marina, offers free island cruises and quick taxis to the beach, as well as use of their extensive facilities. http://www.spinners.com/resort/welcome.html |
Welcome to Iguana's Comic Book Cafe | UPCOMING GAME TOURNAMENTS - Wizards of the Coast Pro Qualifier to be held by Iguana's Comic Book Cafe, April 13th-14th.
Hello and welcome to IGUANA'S COMIC BOOK CAFE. We are a full line gaming and comic book mail order service.IGUANA'S SPECIALS - Check
out our full line gaming and comic book mail order service. We specialize in Magic and other collectible cards game singles. http://www.iguanas-cbc.com/ |
Yes, welcome to the film production home page for Iguana Films. A business
card will eject itself from your disk drive in five seconds. Please remain
seated and observe all smoking signs. http://top.monad.net/~bfessenden/ |
Iguana Hot Sauce |
http://www.halfmoonbaytrading.com/ |
Iguana Images |
Iguana Images is a small computer graphics company located in Ben Lomond, California, nestled in the Santa Cruz Mountains. We specialize in the production, transmission, and display of digital imagery. http://www.io.org/~peelpgs/jim/index.htm |
Iguana Mama Mountain Bike and Hiking Adventure Tours |
offers tours that are inaccessible to most tourists; discover the true Dominican Republic by going beyond the tour buses and hotels. http://medianet.nbnet.nb.ca/iguana/iguana.htm
Salty Iguana |
"Once upon a time, while vacationing somewhere off the coast of
Mexico, a band of would-be "restauranteurs" were caught in a
storm and shipwrecked on a small tropical island. Left with nothing
but the clothes on their backs and a few barrels of margaritas they
managed to salvage, they soon discovered that they were not
alone. Could it be a dream? An island colonized by Iguanas just
as human as ourselves, with the exception of the green scaly
complexions and long tails..." A mexican restaraunt. http://www.intellipages.com/9133813888/index.html |
I hope you enjoy this site, and Iguanas, but let me know either way.
| On'da Strip | On'da Web | Bonus! | IGUANA WORLD | Promo | Indie Labels | NYFB | |
Did I make a mistake? (probably) Did I forget you, or more importantly, your Iguana?
I'd appreciate your comments etc. Rediguana@oocities.com
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last updated 25 April 1997