Well, who is this lizard? My name is Joe Libby. There you go!
Ok, ok, details: 33 years old, 7th of 9 kids, born and raised in San Jose CA. Currently living in teeny-tiny Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture Japan. Formerly employed by an advertising/graphic design company called Live Life, I am currently managing a Language school by the name of Four Seasons Language School and Cultural Center. Although my main job is taking care of the needs of our clients and teachers, I am also responsible for our schools graphic needs. In my spare time (and once in a while for pay!) I enjoy creating anything audio/visual that can be expressed with/by/on a Mac.
I'm married and have 1 wife and 2 boys, ages 5 and 8 (the boys). I love them all very much.Attended Horrace Cureton (sp?) Elementary school for kindergarten. Mrs Benten will probably never recover. 1st through 8th grades were spent sitting outside of the Principal's Office of St. John Vianney Parish Scool. After graduation I went on to James Lick High School (home of the Comets!). The majority of my class time there was whittled away drawing pictures of science fiction related monsters and machinery or gabbing to my neighbors. By the way,if you are also a comet alumnus,then you should stop by the JL Alumni Page and register yourself.
I joined the Army Reserve (1982) prior to graduation and stuck with it till 1991 ( I actually miss the food). In 1984 I hooked up with a group of individuals known as Club 808. (Around this time I also met my wife.) A loosely disorganized group of artists, musicians, spiritual healers, students (shall I go on?) who told me that I should sing! So I did. Joined/formed the modern rock band "Life Underwater" in 1986 or so, and played around the greater Bay Area for about 4 years. (During that time I picked up the nick-name Red Iguana from my friends, but that's a pretty boring story.)
Hey, Wake Up!
After I got married in 1990,I came to Japan with my side-band "GLU" where , over the course of a year or 2, we got to play on TV, signed about 5 autographs, had lots of meetings with A&R guys (and a few A&R gals) and finally called Tokyo quits back in 1992.
I hope you enjoy this site,
and Iguanas, but let me know either way.
to the SunsetStrip
comments etc.: Rediguana@oocities.com