Welcome to the Land of Katrina, where anything can and does happen...

Hello everyone, come on in, and take the time to wander around my abode.

This place is a work, a work in progress that is. I would ideally like to have a page that would reflect the degree of learning that I have been acquiring, and eventually it will. So please be patient, bookmark it if you have to so that you may peruse at your leisure, and if you have any comments please e-mail me at the address below.

Please enter which ever room strikes your fancy

All about me, my room with a view

My son, my light, my one and only

My page of pics.... WARNING: Some of these will take a while to load, so don't whine that I didn't tell you!

My best friend Andrea's page that I built in her honor, complete with pics

The totally cool links that I have gathered from all over the net.

My BITCH page, yeah, that's right, MY bitch page..... cause I just have so much to bitch about. *LOL*

Any thoughts or comments be sure to write to me here.......

Care to see how many have been here before you?

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