"Come my family, let us bask in television's warm, glowing, warming glow." -Homer Simpson

Orange hair...bad.

Sweet little jackpot. I changed something. Sadly, while it's not myself or my pants, it's the first few lines of welcome. I think I may update this soon. Not so much with talking but rather with words. We'll see if this is crazy talk, but maybe something will happen, the world will be shocked and the ocean will turn to yogurt. We shall see. Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be craptacular.

- Andrea Ramirez 2004

I aborted my mission to update my little website many, many moons ago. However, as I feel compelled to softly hum Taps, in remembrance, I should point out that there were 763 visitors to my pimp page November 2001. 763!!! I find that amazing. They all found the link via a Google search for "pimpmobiles" which had me laughing for the last 30 minutes hysterically. God love America and the internet. You people think like I do.

Everything from this point on is old. Old I tell you. Like dirt--Even the parts where it sounds new.

Thank you for dropping in. If you're a fan of pop culture, shortcuts, poor woorkmanship, and procrastination, you are home...the mother ship has landed, just as Elvis left the building. I actually thought I'd try and update this again. I'm really only moving stuff around, but for those of you that haven't really delved into my site, check out the movies and pimps link. They're not only fun, but educational to boot.

Anyway, please bear with me as I refresh my page, and put some new and exciting stuff on it, maybe even the Sledgehammer stuff I promised months ago. Also to keep up with my rabid fandom of Buffy, I'm going to make a little page for my favorite show. I'm 5.

Old and the Same

Fanmail? Very well, I accept: horker@bigfoot.com