If you would like to listen to "Stairway to Heaven" my all time favorite Led Zeppelin song, click here.

Monkee Fanfic for the people of WA!!

Well, I have finally made a fanfic page!! Be proud. Now be very proud. The Legend of Peter's MIRACLE is now finished, and sometime in the near (i hope) future there will be more stories by me! :)


The Shadow

Bubblegum…. Or…. The Pipe?

Home Is Where the Wool Hat Is

At the Top of the Hill (ok, this story came from something I came up with a long time ago. It's indirect ;)

Nez and Candy (This is a parody)

Two Februaries (This is non fanfic)

Nessie67 and Tami co-written

The Legend of Peter's MIRACLE

The Legend of Peter's MIRACLE Part 2

The Legend of Peter's MIRACLE Part 3

The Legend of Peter's MIRACLE Part 4

The Legend of Peter's MIRACLE Part 5

The Legend of Peter's MIRACLE--Epilogue

Refe' Jones

The Kind of Girl I Could Love


"Where's That David Jones"

"You're There Too"


Andi's dream....


"To You"

"Chaos Is Come Again"


Woolie's Poem for China (this is non fanfic, I just loved the poem she wrote)

Well, that's all for now. Do you have any fanfic, poems, parodies, thoughts?? Send em to me!! Just email me and ill post it up as soon as i can.

But, in the meantime, go to the Monkees Fanfic Archive. Put together by Mij. Or, you can go to Mina's Fanfic Archive. This is all fic posted on the Monkeesfic list.

This is an Over the Rainbow Background.