Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. Films and TV.
Films and TV
Character Jane Eyre The Rocketeer The License to kill Flash Gordon Wuthering Heights ßñòðåáû Mary, Queen of Scots Framed Sins The King's Whore Made men
Russian Language
Favourite Literary Heroes
Masters of Human Destinies
Husbands of Famous Wives
Opposite Characters
Unexpected Appearances


     How many of them, I mean these characters who are so unlike but at the same time easily recognized, the characters who were introduced to us by Timothy Dalton?! Tens of them. Among them there are young boys and respectable gentlemen, bullies and indecisive, deceived and those having power over the world, beloved and rejected- they all can't be enumerated! Every time we meet the character introduced by Dalton we can't help being astonished by the way the actor sorts out numerous traits and details to create realistic figure!

     We did our best to "classify" various Dalton's characters into several character groups concerning the fact that by removing the only main trait we essentially impoverish this particular character. When creating this classification as well as in the GENRE clause we tried to help those who are about to start getting acquaintance with master's works.

Favorite literary characters
Masters of human destinies
Husbands of famous wives
Opposite characters
Unexpected appearances

     We are ready to take Your proposals on the above classification improvement into serious consideration!

Favorite literary characters

- mister Edward Fairfax Rochester ("Jane Eyre"),
- the US Civil War hero,
      captain Rhett Butler ("Scarlett"),
- unbridled Heathcliff ("Wuthering Heights"),
- intrepid, unconquerable and fascinating agent 007
         by Jan Fleming - James Bond
        ("The Living Daylights", "The License to Kill")

Masters of human destines

- imperator Julius Caesar ("Cleopatra"),
- legendary Mark Antony("Antony and Cleopatra"),
- king of France Philip II -August ("The Lion in Winter"),
- nephew of Karl I, , king of England - prince Rupert ("Cromwell"),
- kingVittorio Amadeo("The King's Whore")

Husbands of famous wives

- Lord Darnley, Mary Stewart's husband ("Mary, Queen of Scots"),
- Arthur Capel , Coco Shanel's "basis" ("Chanel Solitaire"),
- Archibald Christie, Agatha's first husband ("Agatha"),
- Marlow Manners' sixth husband, sir Michael Barington ("Sextette"),

Opposite characters

- Saint ("El Hombre") and the devil ("The Flame is Love"),
- cop("The Informant") and the thief ("Framed"),
- Another cop ("Made men")
        and another thief ("Fallen Angel")
- physician("The Doctor and the Devils") and seriously ill patient ("Hawks"),
- fascist ("The Rocketeer") and his victim (Sins),
- rich man ("Mistral's Daughter")
        and the popper, "tumble-weed" ("Master of Ballentrae"),
- "creeping skunk" ("Made Men")
        and simply the good fellow ("The Salt Water Moose")

Unexpected appearances

- Mister president Boris Pochenko , ("The Beatichian and the Beast"), ,
- One own ("The Last Action Hero"),
- Educational film leader ("In the Wild - Wolves"),
- Concert leader ("Star-crossed Lovers"),
- Extraterrestrial("Flash Gordon"),
- Simply CIA agent ("The Red Eagle"),
- One-eyed knight ("Brenda Starr").

     We acclaim variety and such approach to material selection 'cause it is more interesting for the actor to act and for the viewer -to watch. But at the same time it's more complicated to be memorized in such a variety than proceeding with circulation of the same character as Charlie Chaplin did.

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