Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. Films and TV.
Films and TV
Genre Sextette In the wild. Wolves Agatha The Living Daylights Scarlett Sins
Russian Language
Thrilling Plot


      As well as any classification our one is rather comparative. We tried only to help those desiring to get acquainted with Timothy Dalton's cinematography activities.




     We apologize to connoisseurs for non-traditional approach which seemed for us to be more suitable.


      Reflecting human life in contradiction with the society or with his(her) inner world drama as the leading genre of dramaturgic art provides producers and audience with wide horizon for creative studying of human behavior in duration of different historical epochs. Through knowledge of interior details, costumes, habits and character's way of life serves as the so called "playing ground" of exacting viewers and authors. As for the actors, their ability to wear costumes, fence, ride a horse and dance well seems to be some sort of a pass to this astonishing world.

      Beyond any doubts Timothy Dalton in drama usually occupies leading positions 'cause in addition to the above mentioned abilities he is also a keen observer of human nature, who discloses to us the inmost feelings of his characters.

      Most part of incorporated films can be entitled as "costume" but we decided to emphasize few other characteristics in order to provide the viewer with more detailed reference points:

Historical drama

Costume drama



Historical drama

      In the following works Timothy Dalton plays the parts of really existing persons and these films in their turn cover real problems of that years:

1. "The Lion in Winter" - 1968
2. "Cromwell" - 1970
3. "Mary, Queen of Scots" - 1971
4. "Cleopatra" - 1999
6. "Agatha" - 1979
7. "Chanel Solitaire" - 1981
8. "Florence Nighteengale" - 1985

      Undoubtedly all amateurs of historical drama will be pleased to find out that Dalton's characters are close to the originals.

Costume drama

      This clause incorporates screen versions of literary creations or historical films dedicated to the events happened to imaginary characters:

1. "Wuthering Heights" - 1970
2. "El Hombre…" - 1976
3. "Jane Eyre" - 1983
4. "The Doctor and the Devils" - 1985
5. "The King's Whore" - 1990
6. "Scarlett" - 1994

      Being created several or even many years ago and telling about affairs which had sunk into oblivion they are rather actual nowadays and will withstand centuries owing to Timothy Dalton as the leading part player.


      It is a sort of drama with thrilling intrigue, abrupt opposition between good and evil and increased emotionality which came into being in France at the end of the 18th century, but in the second half of the 20th century it "conquered" TV screen owing to the wide spread of interminable and short "soap operas".

      Timothy Dalton succeeds in this genre however the majority of his talent admirers ignores this genre and "scolds" him for this in its mind:

1. "Centennial" - 1978
2. "The Flame is Love" - 1979
3. "Mistral's Daughter" - 1984
4. "Sins" - 1986
5. "Passion's Way (Ðèô)" - 1998

      I'm not sure about recommending any of these films to You. I'd like to say that in each of them Timothy plays excellently, secondly these films don't provide viewers with bad mood or something of this kind and at least Mr. Dalton there is simply fascinating!


      We incorporated this independent genre into drama subclauses because of the fact that tragedy strengthens dramatic conflict adding the component of despair to it plus there is the only genuine Shakespeare tragedy on video with Dalton's starring:

1. "Antony and Cleopatra" - 1983

      For the Russian viewers it is nearly the only opportunity to witness "Anthony" presentation, made in compliance with the English theatre tradition, sitting in their armchairs.


      Under this name we decided to join a number of movies, where the cracking development of the action takes the main part of it and makes it's heroes to do even faster than to think.

      We didn't divide films in corcondance with action motives. Here is what we've got:



Thriller, horror



      Films about Bond turn out to be a legend, they can be defined as an independent genre with its rules. Timothy Dalton there - is an unexpectedness and discovery for most of the viewers.

1. "The Living Daylights" - 1987
2. "The License to Kill" - 1989
3. "Fallen Angel" - 1978

      We placed here this tiny episode from TV-serial "Charlie's angels", as Dalton's character is jokingly compared here with James Bond. By the way, that comparison turned out to be prophetable!


      Probably not all the films of this clause can be entitled as "Hits", especially the last one, which can be considered as the police psychological drama, we had a strong desire not to transform our classification into plain list only:

1. "Red Eagle (Lie Down With Lions)" - 1994
2. "The Informant" - 1997
3. "The Last Action Hero" - 1994
4. "Framed" - 1993

      All the above films are absolutely different. Each of them requires consideration and thinking over…

Thriller, horror

      For genuine amateurs of "spine chilling" genre Timothy Dalton presents

1."Werewolf Concerto" - 1992.

      The second work of his can be hardly considered as a thriller: when being shot it was considered to be a "black" comedy:

2. "Made men" - 1999

      Independently from the genre type Misters Belushi and Dalton "keep fit" as usual!

3. " The Possessed" - 1999

      The mixture of the truth and fiction in this film will start you thinking not only of the problem of exorcism at all but to understand, should this theme be performed on the screen or not.


      We failed to emphasize genuine adventures. Serious drama admixture is felt in

1. "Master of Ballentrae" - 1984,

      comedy - in

2. "Salt Water Moose" - 1996

      and the educational program in

3. "In the Wild - Wolves" - 1993.

      It really gladdens that Timothy is persuasive everywhere.

      Playing in "Thrilling plot" genre and performing necessary volume of "work" in running, shooting and whipping Timothy Dalton being a dramatic actor leaves no stone unturned to impart viability and humaneness to all of his characters.


      Though comedy is a sort of drama we decided to single it out as an independent genre, 'cause nowadays comedy plays rather peculiar role…

      We won't subdivide comedies into various types on the basis of classical features (comedies of characters, ideas or status) - Timothy Dalton hasn't made much of them. In return we'll add something probably irrelevant to this clause.

Classical comedy

Musical comedy


Classical comedy

      Timothy Dalton acutely feels the funny side of a situation and is able to make anyone laugh by putting various masks on but at the same time he doesn't miss any chance to remind the viewer that he is real human being with the inherent problems.

1. "Hawks"- 1989
2. "The Beautician and the Beast" - 1997
3. "Time Share" - 1999

      The previous film is much spoken about. We'd like to know Your opinion on this matter!

Musical comedy

      Mr. Dalton played in this genre only once:

1. "Sextette"- 1978

      But it remained in our and probably his memory for life!


      This clause incorporates films shot to motives of picture series with brief texts. Comics belong to the popular genre of the US social culture. Therefore all the film producers ought to get adopted to viewer's likings:

1. "Flash Gordon" - 1980
2. "Brenda Starr" - 1989 (ñäåëàí â 1986)
3. "The Rocketeer" - 1991

      If You ask us: " Isn't it a bullshit?",- we'll answer: "Bullshit, but rather kind!". Timothy Dalton created attractive characters here, especially in "Brenda" and "Rocketeer"…

      If You read this sentence it means that we've failed the attempt to attract You as quickly as possible. Let it be and why don't we try to find anything entertaining in the following clauses:


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