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Now, I am sure that all of the characters in the show could be labelled "CREATURES", but these guys are the real deal. Mostly puppets or costumes, here are some of the more interesting denizens of Castle Frightenstein.

The hapless ape is the victim of constant beatings from a phantom golfer / baseball player. He always comes out of the bush, gets hit on the head, then falls over. Poor guy never learns to just go somewhere else. He has tried protecting himself, but that always fails.

IGORS grammer teacher comes in the form of a huge blue monster. This in-articulate fellow wants desperatly to beat on IGOR, but has to let him go unscathed because IGOR eventually gets his sentence correct. I hopes him don't come at me !!!

The teller of bad jokes and little else, this creature doesn't do much other than cross his eyes and say his own name.

The mosquito tells jokes as well, but his are funny. I always loved this guy. It's bad chroma key, but it was the 70's man!!!!

I think Polly should have pecked out an eyeball or two for all the beating he/she took. This poor bird doesn't appear to move on camera, but is seen in both Grizelda's kitchen AND the library. Wierd

Harvey Wallbanger is the post master at the dead mail office. He and Grizelda answer mail from viewers usually about grooming and etiquette (GRIZELDA????). As a side note on Harvey, he seems to be he only sane person in the entire show, and he is a puppet !!!

The irritable sloth never lets IGOR have a pet. Too bad you never get to see the sloth, all you get is the growl that comes forth from his dungeon.