The ESL Teacher
1 January, 2007


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Sekolah Menengah Kerajaan Agama Miri (SMKAM), a government religious secondary school, accepted her first batch of students on 2nd January 1985. The funny thing was, the school building and even the school site were not ready yet. As a result, the registration for that first batch of students was carried out at a neighbouring primary school - Sekolah Rendah Kerajaan Anchi - in Piasau.

An even funny thing happened later that day. At around 4pm, all 118 students along with the teachers (there were only 8 of them at that time) were relocated to another secondary school - Kolej Tun Datuk Tuanku Haji Bujang (KTDTHB) - in Miri town. KTDTHB, from that day onwards, served as SMKAM temporary base of operation. SMKAM resided in KTDTHB for a term before moving back to (surprise, surprise) SRK Anchi compound in May 1985. A few wooden buildings were generously "donated" by SRK Anchi and thus SMKAM finally had a place to call its own!

The school (well... the portion given) was very small. There were only 2 academic blocks, a row of science labs, a row of living skills workshops, 2 hostels for the students, a dining hall which also served as a multi-purpose hall, a small library, a tiny computer lab, an even tinier co-op, a mosque, and a small volleyball court. (P.E and other sports-related activities were normally carried out at SRK Anchi's field). Meanwhile, the construction of SMKAM permanent site was going on in Tukau, Miri.

At the end of year 1999, the school site in Tukau was finally ready and the whole SMKAM community started preparing for the big move to the new school. It was an exciting time for all involved. Year 2000 saw SMKAM operating from its new and permanent location.

:: Yours Truly

(c) 2007 Adi Afzal Ahmad, SMK Agama Miri teacher (1997-2003), MALAYSIA