//Battle System

Sphere Board
Sphere Levels are used in the Sphere Board (made up of connected circles) to level up the characters. Each character has his/her own section on the Sphere Board. By moving Sphere Levels to a designated circle for a character, s/he will learn a new ability with the use of Ability Spheres, Magic Spheres, and Speed Spheres.

The Grandia-style Bar
First of all, you can only have three people during a battle scene this time. The ATP system has been removed and is replaced by the Grandia-style bar on the top right corner of the screen. This bar shows whose turn will be up next to attack for both enemies and the characters. Press the R2 button to scoll down the bar and see the turns that'll occur in the future.

AP System
The EXP system has been removed in FFX, but the AP system is still there. Characters gain AP after a battle. The more AP you have, The S.LV of the characters will go up faster.

While not in battle, there is a small, transparent map on the right corner of the screen. A yello arrow represents Tidus on the map. White arrows indicates the save and healing points, and red arrows shows the next event/place/boss is.

Similar to FFVII and FFVIII's Limit Break and FFIX's Trance Mode, overdrives are ultimate attacks of the characters in FFX. The more a character gets hit by an enemy, his/her overdrive bar will slowly fill up until it's full, and the character engages in overdrive mode.

Once summoned, an Aeon can remain on the screen battling the enemy itself until it's killed or called back by the summoner. The Aeon has it's own MP and HP. Other characters that were in the battle scene are removed from battle while an Aeon is in battle. The Aeons, in battle, are directly controlled by the player. It has four abilities in battle: Fight, Unique Attack, Black Magic, and Overdrive.