Welcome, my lords ladies and gentlemen, to the world of ARTHUR DRAKE (and a bit of Mark King):
This is me, Arthur Drake, as drawn by a visitor for the Arcana.  Aren't I just stunning?  Or something...anyway, this is one of two ways you'll see me in Elysium.  This is the "Nutty Happy Funster Arthur."  The other Arthur drops his mask to show all of his guns, and uses them against the naughty men.  But, being as what you're not one of the naughty men, you'll never have to see that, except from the sidelines...am I right?  I certainly hope so.  From time to time, Arthur isn't around, and you'll have to make do with speaking to the Malkavian Mark King, former primogen of Clan Malkavian.

BENJAMIN SPEAKING -->> Click on the drawing of me, done in real life by Shoshanna...Bauer?  Is that your last name?  Anyway, CLICK ON IT! for real-life pics, etc.  Some fun stuff, but only 3 pictures as of B> 9/8/98 


No, not that Mark King! I got away with being Malkavian Primogen, but I've gone back to my true "clanless" heritage for now, maybe...Although I used to (and sometimes still do) bear a striking resemblance to the man on the left, I am, of course, not to be mistaken with this other Mark King, lead singer and bass player for now defunct British pop group Level 42. The best part is, I was Malkavian Primogen, by my own appointment. One member of the city, a Brujah, claimed the Primogenship "until somebody decided to take it away." I then decided to take it away and declared myself Primogen "until *I* decided to take it away." Since then, one Primogen, T'sara Vandercross, has been killed, and Peter was found to be Sabbat.  Now somebodyorother is leader....sigh... 
STATUS -- Acknowledged, Respected, Feared x2

<< WHAT'S UP THIS WEEK ON THE PAGE -- T.M.B.G. KICKED MY ASS!!! CLICK HERE!!!    9/27/98 -   Very few changes this week, although the What I Did Last Summer Page has been updated, and a few people have been added / removed from the kindred pages.  Oh, and sorry about the page of the Dead being down, but I've misplaced it, it would appear.  Sorry.  Give me a few days...
KISS KISS, benjamin sTone

Here's Some Choices About Where To Go From Here:  

ELYSIUM ON THE PRAIRIE -- Actual hompage for the LARP this character is in.

WHAT I THINK ABOUT OTHER KINDRED -- Maybe you're listed here. This guide comes with complete comic-book comparisons for all undead in the town that I know and/or care about.. A chart is provided for the pop-culturally deprived. < 9/24/98>>

benjamin sTone's RANTS ABOUT REAL-LIFE, GAME OR OTHERWISE This Week's Topics ---> NONE SO FAR <<UPDATED 9/27/98>>

WHAT I DID LAST SUMMER - A brief synopsis of what I did at each week's Elysium <UPDATED 9/27/98>

!MISCELLANEOUS FUN LINKS!!! WOO HOO - In and out of game stuff, fun links and serious links, also with links to other OWBN games whose players sometimes come down to good old Shampoo-Banana, Illinois. MY YOUNGER BROTHER NATHAN (10) has a webpage now, and you'd BETTER go check it out!!!  I'm teaching him (via e-mail) how to insert images, and how to make his webpage personalized.  Wish us luck, and sign his guestbook if you stop in....<UPDATED Early September>

DISCLAIMER!! -- Kind of important, you may want to check this out.

OH! MY OWN DISCLAIMER!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!! -- This is funniness to me that I can make such words together that make sense for me...<<8/26/98>>

MY LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT - Only Up If I Die, You Greedy Mothers...

EEEEEE! Male = Me  
Nutbars like you have stopped by since 6/2/98  
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