Interesting Norns

Please read carefully!

Welcome to the Interesting Norns page. Here I have added some new norns that for the most part, are each unique in some way. It could be the way they act or the way that they look. To see them as they look in the pictures, you will need either the Santa, Purple Mountain, or the Life Kit body data and image files. If you don't have these files the norns will keep the characteristics of that particular norn, but they will look different. These norns are suffed with a new version of Stuffit Expander. You WILL need the new version to unstuff them! I have put the new version here on my site for you to download, if you need it. Download it here or on my What's New page. This version of Expander is stuffed with an older version of DropStuff, so you will be able to unstuff it.



Sex: Female

Age: 4 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 91%

Special Attributes: She was hatched on St. Patrick's Day, so I gave her a good Irish name.


Sex: Male

Age: 2 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 91%

Special Attributes: He is very obedient.


Sex: Male

Age: 4 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 91%

Special Attributes: He likes the hand alot!


Sex: Female

Age: 3 minutes

Lobes: 36

Lifeforce: 92%

Special Attributes: She doesn't walk. She just stands in one place and smiles alot.


Sex: Male

Age: 3 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 92%

Special Attributes: He is a Purple Mountain-Forest Norn mix.


Sex: Male

Age: 3 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 91%

Special Attributes: He is rather interesting looking.


Sex: Female

Age: 7 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 92%

Special Attributes: She just carries her food around. She has never eaten any of it.


Sex: Male

Age: 4 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 77%

Special Attributes: His father is one of Frimlin's Equals Norns.


Sex: Male

Age: 5 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 92%

Special Attributes: He is very interesting looking!


Sex: Female

Age: 5 minutes

Lobes: 36

Lifeforce: 97%

Special Attributes: I haven't been able to get her to walk, but her lifeforce has remained high.


Sex: Female

Age: 5 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 92%

Special Attributes: She is the only average norn that I have on this page.


Sex: Male

Age: 3 minutes

Lifeforce: 77%

Lobes: 9

Special Attributes: to see him as he appears in the picture, you need Frimlin's Wood Norn sprites.


Sex: Female

Age: 3 minutes

Lifeforce: 100%

Lobes: 9

Special Attributes: She's a big one! She also maintains a high lifeforce.


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