Mixed Up Norns


Please read carefully!

This is just what it says. These norns are mixed breeds, that look different from your every day norns. There are even some that have Grendel in them. In order to see these as they look in the pictures, you will need the body data and the image files. You can get the body data and image files for Santa, Easter Bunny, Grenorns, and Purple Mountain from Mac Norns. To see the Forest Norns, you need the Life Kit. Which unfortunately only comes for Windows. Cyberlife has said that the image files and body data for the Forest and Ron Norns can not be distributed on the web. You can still put them in your game. They will look different, but they will still have the same genes.


Again, these norns are stuffed with Stuffit. You will need Stuffit Expander to open them. My norns have also been tutored with Norn Tutor. Enjoy!



Sex: Male

Age: 3 hr 57 min

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 61%

Special Attributes: He is Grenorn and Purple Mountain mix. but he is a sweetie.


Sex: Male

Age: 2 hr 16 min

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 90%

Special Attributes: He is Purple Mountain, Forest, and Banana norn mix.


Sex: Male

Age: 1 min

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 96%

Special Attributes: This little guy is Purple Mountain, Grenorn, and Horse norn mix.


Sex: Male

Age: 11 min

Lobes: 10

Lifeforce: 97%

Special Attributes: He is a Polar Norn. They are good for wolfling runs and have good survival instincts. He is from MacNorns.


Sex: Male

Age: 9 min

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 76%

Special Attributes: He is Banana and Purple Mountain norn mix.


Sex: Male

Age: 8 hr 15 min

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 77%

Special Attributes: A Santa Norn. He is sent to me by Julie.



Sex: Female

Age: 2 hr 49 min

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 76%

Special Attributes: She is Santa and Purple Mountain mix.


Sex: Male

Age: 2 min

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 77%

Special Attributes: He is Purple Mountain, Forest, and Banana norn mix.


Sex: Male

Age: 1 hr 2 min

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 100%

Special Attributes: He is Purple Mountain and Banana norn mix.


Sex: Female

Age: 2 hr 12 min

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 97%

Special Attributes: Purple Mountain and Type 2 (White Haired Norn) mix.


Sex: Female

Age: 3 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 77%

Special Attributes: To see her as she is in the picture, you need Purple Mtn and the Forest Norn sprites. (The Forest Norns are on the Life Kit which unfortunately is only for PC)



Sex: Female

Age: 2 minutes

Lobes: 9

Lifeforce: 95%

Special Attributes: See above


Sex: Female

Age: 4 minutes

Lobes 36

Lifeforce: 93%

Special Attributes: She has Santa and Purple Mountain in her.


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