I am the proprietor of the Gold Saucer. (I guess that makes me Dio. ::Shudder::) This fabulous casino located on the western continent is one of my favorite places to visit in all of Final Fantasy 7. Final Fantasy 7 was the first serious RPG I'd ever played (technically the first was The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening on Gameboy, but I don't really count that) and it was one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had, simply because it was the first. It was also about this time that I learned HTML, so the natural progression for me was to make my first website about FF7. That was over a year ago (The day this page was born was 4/28/98 I think) and since then The Gold Saucer has gone through many renovations. This is the latest incarnation. I thank you for making my page a humble success and I hope that I have been helpful to you in your gaming experience. So here's my site, and remember, the motto of the Gold Saucer is "Save the World and Have Fun Too!" -Phaen


Check out the people who have made The Gold Saucer possible in the Credits section.
The Gold Saucer also has two Adopted Pets you should meet.
If you've had your fill of my site, you can get out by taking a spin on one of the Webrings I'm a part of.
Or, if you want to be like North Corel, and be linked to the GS, you can check out My Knights of the Round Webring.


Check into The Battle Square Lobby for a guide to fighting in the arena.
You can also go to the showroom and look at everyone's Weapons, Items, Materia, and Accessories.
Here you'll also find the handy-dandy guide to Beating the Weapons.
Plus the location of everyone's Ultimate Weapons and Level 4 Limits.


Check into The Ghost Square Lobby to see a list of items you can buy there.
You can also see short biographical summaries on some of the people who've stayed there at the Characters Section.
For more intense character studies, you can look into the section of the hotel dedicated to Character Shrines.
And if you want to stay at the hotel yourself, You can Sign the Guestlist or View the Guestlist.


The Wonder Square has lots of things to do. You can visit the guide to the arcade found in the Wonder Square Lobby.
Or you can visit the Art Gallery.
Maybe you'd enjoy hearing some music at the Concert Hall.
And If you think you can handle it, you can compete in the FF7 Quiz.


The Round Square Lobby features a site map, should you need it.
If you want to, you can help the Round Square operators with thier Survey.
You can also give them one of your Fanfics and they'll spread it around.
They also give you an idea of where to go with thier Walkthrough, which is still under construction.


The Chocobo Square Lobby features the Chocobo Bookie giving out tough questions.
Ester is also in attendance there, and will give you the skinny on Gold Chocobos.


If you want, you can visit The Speed Square Lobby to get the low down on how to mow down targets on the coaster.
The Coaster also provides a means of escape from the Gold Saucer, by being in charge of Links.
But of course it doesn't just take people out, it brings them in with the Link to Me site.
And since I love coasters and the Speed Square is where you first encounter Dio, this will also host the About Me part of the page. (Coming Soon)


You can check out the Event Square Lobby for a FF7 FMV summary page. (Coming Soon)
Plus the Wizard player is always willing to give you some Tips Codes and Cheats.
The Evil Dragon King is famous for being nasty, and he spreads some wicked Rumors.
And if FF7 isn't your cup of tea, maybe the players can show you a site about the Other Final Fantasy Games.

"Big Place."

People have been here since 4/98. Hope they enjoyed it.