Sailor Saturn

~ The Dark Messiah of Silence ~

Welcome to my homepage, dedicated to the one and only Dark Messiah of Silence, Sailor Saturn. After surfing the web it was obvious to me that people didn't give very much attention to this Sailor. I thought to myself, "Hmmm, maybe if I created a web page JUST for her maybe people would come to realize the true beauty (and power) of Sailor Saturn." I then set out on a long quest in search of facts and pics on my beloved Hotaru. So here I am, after hours of tedious (but enjoyable) research, with a page all about my favourite senshi, Sailor Saturn. Anyways, enjoy what's here and I'm sure you'll all come to love her as much as I do...

This page was last updated on March 10th, 1997 at 2:30pm

**NEW SURVEY and Results update!!** I've been incrediblely lazy for the past few months and haven't updaed my page. Soooo...there have been a few changes as you can see. First is that there is a new Goddess home page which you may have taken a look at. Next thing is that the survey results have been updated and NEW survey questions have been posted. Thanx to everyone that has continually supported this page. I won't disappoint you!!!

~ Check these areas out before you leave ~