Character Pics and Info

Page 1
Crono, Marle, Lucca, Frog, Robo, Ayla, Magus

Page 2
Queen Leene, Cyrus, Toma, Fiona, Tata, Slash, Flea, Ozzie

Page 3
Melchior, Gaspar, Belthasar, Queen Zeal, Schala, Janus, Dalton

Page 4
Azala, Kino, Johnny, Johnny in bike mode
     * All characters created by Akira Toriyama (Dragonball series, Dragonquest RPGs, Tobal 1 & 2)*

     Here are all the character pics I could find so far in the net. They have been edited by me and if you would like to get the original ones than I suggest you go to these Chrono Trigger pages below. I would like to thank all of them for creating such wonderful sites about this sought after game...

Image Galleries
Zeal Corp. Chrono Trigger Picture Gallery  *I think this site has all the Chrono Trigger pics available*. I got most of my pics here. They also got screenshots and other stuff related to this game.

Character Info and Japanese names for Chrono Trigger characters, places, and things
The Hall of Names A page about where the Chrono Trigger names originated which  most came from Greek mythology and the Christian Bible. information about all the other characters that were not playable in the game. complete Chrono Trigger Characters info.



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