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1. Cadwalider Giskaas (World Champion) 4-1

2. The Office 6-1

3. The Grammer (HaRdCoRe Champion) 2-0

4. Dare Devil 4-1

5. Cracker 6-4

6. Meat Man 4-3

7. Lover Boy 2-3-1

8. The Runner 2-2

9. Killer Sk8er 1-3

10. Phantom 1-3

11. Loren Almond 1-0

12. The Punk 1-6

13. SpazZ 0-3

14. Blue Giant 0-3

15. Ford Walker 0-0

16. Chris "The Goon" Greenfield 0-2-1

17. Black Shadow 1-0

Note: Rankings are not just based on a wrestler's record.