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  • 11-4-01 - This news posting is in response to Benjamin Wilcock's column about ending the Ultimate Wrestling challenge. True, the UWC might as well be closed forever, but there has been plans of a regrouping sorta speak. The Punk still wants a HaRdCoRe title shot at the Grammer. Cracker still wants a World title shot at Cadwalider, and the Sexiest Man Alive is still to be determined. Since there has been a negative reaction to the closing down of the fed from not only wrestlers here in the UWC, but also fans, who have berated us with e-mails, there is no way we can just walk away and say "hey, it's over with." This Spring or Summer there will be a reunion event, bigger then any UWC event ever held. Hopefully, new wrestlers will be there that will carry on the tradition of UWC Backyard wrestling.

  • 9-8-01 - The Ultimate Wrestling Challenge might as well be dead. There has been a serious decline in backyard wrestling popularity not to mention professional wrestling popularity, and the UWC has followed that path as well. However, this does NOT mean the UWC will be calling it quits. The UWC will be open until things really get bad and there are definetly no plans for further events. Luckily, that hasn't happened yet. In other news, Phantom's Take, a column by the UWC's very own Phantom, will be featured in a local newspaper called the Stampede. Check out the Stampede at www.cmrstampede.com . That's all for today and thanks for visiting our site.

  • 8-5-01 - Nobody would have guessed that the Sexiest Man Alive Tournament would start getting underway tonight but it did. Commissioner Runner had enough of waiting around and he decided that Round One would be tonight. The first Match was Cracker vs The Punk. Cracker dominated throughout this very long match and eventually won via elbow drop off a brick wall. The next match was Meat Man vs Cadwalider Giskaas. This match was only about five minutes long. In the end, Cadwalider reversed a backdrop and sent Meat Man through the table for the victory. The Runner decided the match deciding who would go wrestle with Northern Acclaim Wrestling in Bismarck, ND would also take place tonight. He also added The Punk to the mix. So once again Cracker and The Punk had a match but this time it was triple threat with Dare Devil. This was a pretty brutal match with a lot of hardcore shit and suplexes and even a swanton bomb. Dare Devil took most of the punishment. Suprisingly, Cracker came out on top once again but he was beat down after the match by The Punk. Match three of the Tournament was The Runner vs Phantom. The Runner dominated with punches and kicks but in the end, Phantom grabbed The Runner balls and took home the victory. On the way to SMAT, Lover Boy got in a car wreck and wasn't able to face Black Shadow in the final match of round one, so by default, Black Shadow is the winner and will face Phantom in round two. Come back tomorrow for pictures and detailed results.

  • 7-23-01 - The UWC's first police bust happened last night 7/22/01 at around midnight. Cracker spotted Dare Devil in a parking lot so he tried to run him over. After the attempt failed, Cracker got out of his car and attacked Dare Devil, slamming his head against the hood of Cracker's car followed by several punches. After that Cracker threw Dare Devil into his car and drove off. Apparently, some elderly folk had seen all this and called the police. Police were quick because they arrived in a matter of a couple of minutes. Three cop cars surrounded Cracker's car. They ordered Dare Devil to get out of the car and Cracker to stay put. Dare Devil, too disillusioned from the beating said that nothing happened so the police let Cracker go.

  • 6-25-01 - Since STEEL #3 the state of the UWC has become extremely shaky. Canceled events have become common place in the Ultimate Wrestling Challenge. We here at the UWC are uncertain to what is to become of this fed. We don't know if anything will happen in terms of events within the next month, but that won't stop us from updating the site. We are going to upload some video clips soon and hopefully get this fed jump started again but until then nobody knows what is going to happen.

  • 6-19-01 - An UWC event will take place Sunday. The matchups will be announced the day of the event. Unfortunately, the Sexiest Man Alive Tournament is looking less realistic each day, but we will try our best to get everything going. SMAT most likely will take place in mid-July. Between now and then, expect some minor wrestling events. In other news, SpazZ was beat up by three unkown individuals in the Great Falls Holiday Village Mall Parking lot. SpazZ escaped the beating will a sore back and some bruised ribs. Also, the Norwegian heart-throb, Cadwalider Giskaas was spotted at the exclusive mexican restaurant, El Comedor's... with three ladies to accompany him. Giskaas reportedly treated them to lunch and who knows what else he treated them to. Well, that's all for today. check back with us around Monday or Tuesday to get the results of the event on Sunday. We will most likely have pictures up for this event. Also, we will be uploading videos from previous events soon.

  • 6-13-01 - The stable, The Darkside, consisting of Phantom, Cadwalider Giskaas, Dare Devil, & Black Shadow have their website up and running. The site contains some pretty interesting information on the dark foursome and a really good divas section. So check that out by clicking here. Also, Doug Cujo's backyard federation, Montana Backyard Wrestling has their website up and running. Check that out by clicking here. That's all the news for today.

  • 6-6-01 - Hello folks. The SMAT Tournament has been post-poned until we can determine a date that would be convenient for all the UWC wrestlers and that are booked to be there. So we don't know exactly when that will be. A guy by the name of Doug Cujo has started another wrestling federation in the Great Falls, MT area called Montana Backyard Wrestling. Apparently, some UWC wrestlers such as Dare Devil, Killer Sk8er, SpazZ, Phantom, and Cracker are involved with this fed. We have decided affielate with them and add their show's opening video to our video section. We tried to upload the UWC Steel Entrance but some things got messed up and we will try to get that up as soon as possible. STEEL #3 took place on 5/28/01, so go check out the results. Thats all the news for today.

  • 5-21-01 - STEEL #3 will take place on Memorial Day and we here at the UWC are honoring the late Truck Stop by deaming Steel Truck Stop's Memorial Day. Also, we have a new url to our website. It is http://www.uwc.8k.com . You can still access the website through the url you are using now but, it may be easier to type in the newer, shorter url.

  • 5-09-01 - This is no joke. This is NOT some storyline that is made up. The Punk was actually stabbed today in his forearm by an exacto knife. He was rushed to the hospital where he got a few stitches. It is uncertain whether he will be able to compete this Sunday at STEEL. We just hope that he does because SpazZ would become the number one contender for the Hardcore belt via forfeit which is held by The Grammer and I don't think SpazZ would be able to hold his own against The Grammer.

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